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Im tellin may not live to regret NOT wearing gloves;


[h=3]I actually have a family[/h]by Ca_Vermonster - 10/04/2011 - 14:00

I actually have a family friend that almost died a few years ago, and they think it was due to some sort of parasite he got from dressing out a deer he had shot. He had a small nick in his finger, and they think he got blood in it, cleaning without gloves.

Well, his kidneys and liver function all but shut down, and they were not sure that they were going to kick back into action. Thankfully, they did, but it was a scare. From then on, I have always carried latex gloves into the field. Maybe that's my jinx though, because I have not shot a deer since then, and never had to use them icon_lol.gif

Very good information for Montana to put out. Hopefully people everywhere, not just there, will take note of these recommendations

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Im tellin may not live to regret NOT wearing gloves;


I actually have a family

by Ca_Vermonster - 10/04/2011 - 14:00

I actually have a family friend that almost died a few years ago, and they think it was due to some sort of parasite he got from dressing out a deer he had shot. He had a small nick in his finger, and they think he got blood in it, cleaning without gloves.

Well, his kidneys and liver function all but shut down, and they were not sure that they were going to kick back into action. Thankfully, they did, but it was a scare. From then on, I have always carried latex gloves into the field. Maybe that's my jinx though, because I have not shot a deer since then, and never had to use them icon_lol.gif

Very good information for Montana to put out. Hopefully people everywhere, not just there, will take note of these recommendations

Dunno Martin, but would assume that gutting a gut shot deer this might be more likely. Kind of curious what kind of parasites can live in the actual blood and be transferred.

I typically don't get my fingers or hands when gutting a deer, it is usually when skinning and quartering that I knick my fingers, anyway gloves or not if you knick your finger with a glove on you are gonna still pick up whatever. Think one of the worst cuts I got working on a deer was while wearing gloves.

Could see where if you have knicks before getting into the gutting or working on an animal that it would be a good idea to use gloves just in case, better yet would be to use some liquid bandage on those cuts before putting on the gloves.

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WillCould see where if you have knicks before getting into the gutting or working on an animal that it would be a good idea to use gloves just in case, better yet would be to use some liquid bandage on those cuts before putting on the gloves.

..that is exactly what Im saying...

. My hands always have nicks & cuts.and I usually dont cut myself gutting a deer, because I only use a knife that is no longer than my pointer finger extended..any more blade is a waste..(JMO)

All Im saying is hunters have died from getting an infection from gutting because they did not use gloves. We use safety harnesses and other items to protect ourselves, but it appears most dont realize the danger of not using gloves.

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