Future Monster or a Serious Runt?


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Got a question for you deer experts.

I was sitting in my stand Sat Morning - the rifle opener here in Minn.

Had what I thought was a fawn come by so I watched it as it approached - (what else is there to do?)

He came within about 10 yards from my stand so I had a chance to get a real good look at him. He was almost right under my stand before I noticed he had horns. Two little prongs about 1/2" in diameter and only about 3" long. Was really surprised to see them. He was a small deer - like a big fawn. And those tiny little horns.

Normally around here a 1 1/2 YO buck is at least a spike with 8" horns, maybe a fork and sometimes a little basket rack 6 point.

But this buck's head gear was tiny.

So I am wondering; was this deer a true fawn that had matured early or was he a real runt. I mean, can a 6 month old deer have horns 3" long?

I have never seen such a small rack in all my years of hunting.

If it helps he was alone, cruising like a buck would be doing this time of year.

Anyway, I sat all weekend and didn't see another deer. Got two more weekends though so am still hopeful.


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i'm not an expert. i just like to read about stuff a lot and I'm an engineer so i think about stuff more than i should. lol my opinion is it's hard to say for certain. based on what you said with the body size, i'd say he's just one of the first fawns to drop. born by an older doe that got breed sooner. i've seen the same thing a few times and in the same area. not sure if it means he'll turn into a monster, but he'll definitely be bigger bodied than others born of the same season. even have bigger antlers until maturity, and then genetics will start to slow things down or make him blow up, in comparison to the other deer within the age class.

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