Permanent ATV ramps

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Has anyone built a permanent ATV unloading ramp that they just back up to on their hunting land, drop their tailgate and ride their ATV off their truck onto? Instead of monkeying with ramps? Im thinking making one out of railroad ties, or 6x6 pressure treated posts and backfill with bank run gravel or dirt? I would love to see some pics and get some ideas... thanks

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A golf course about 10 miles from the house has what youre talking about made with railroad ties.

They stood up several vertically (about the width of a truck) and then on the sides they stacked them and drove rebar through to the ground. They then back filled the whole thing with soil and capped it with gravel.

When you back up you back to the vertical ties so even if you hit it you only hit it with your bumper. No Damage. It has been there for years and still gets used.

I personally surfed craigslist and found a little 4x8 tractor supply trailer. I picked it up for $200. It does have a tilt bed but it is low enough I can drive right off of it and back on if I really want to. Its also very handy because after I back the 4-wheeler off and can unhook the trailer and put it on the bike. I actually use it alot during duck season carrying the decoys, waders, blind, etc. Its very handy. I have also used it during deer season to haul out deer.

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