Wisconsin Concealed Carry - Did you apply?


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each county here is different in NY. the county i'm in you don't get a concealed carry right away. you take a 4 hr course and apply (file paperwork) to get your permit, then you can buy a pistol and have it added to your permit. after that you can write a letter to send to the pistol clerk/judge to make your permit a concealed carry one. in the letter you basically state and give references how you've taken additional courses, use it often for recreation and/or competition, and anything else indicating above average proficiency.

long guns need no permit, but you do fill out the paperwork saying i'm not a felon and don't do bad things. then you're called in and background checked.

muzzleloaders you're good to go.

so to answer your question: yup, we can as long as big brother knows everything and anything about everything having to do with your life. lol

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oh yea... believe it or not some counties actually require you to buy the pistol first, leave it there at the store, then go through the application process (which takes at least 6 months), then go back to claim the pistol you bought, and then expect you to be proficient. makes lots of sense i know.:shifty:.... :bang:

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If I take my pistol it's out on my hip where it can be seen..dont need no stinkin permit

but.........you have to unload and case it everytime you use your tractor, atv, car, truck etc. I think it worked out pretty well overall. $50 initial permit/background check, and only $25 every 5 years for renewals. Obviously Constitutional Carry would be the best, but I think this alternative is acceptable, especially with the reciprocity it will have with other states. My application went in on the 3rd of November. I am curious how long it will take for them to turn it around.

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Wow you guys jump through a lot of hoops. In Arkasnas if you're 21 and don't have a felony or domestic violence charge (of any kind) you can walk into your neighborhood gun shop slap down cash and walk out with whatever you can afford. Concealed carry licence takes a 4 hour course and proficiency test. Not a big deal, my wife passed it after shooting about 50 rounds with me the day before. With the CCL you don't even have to do the background check for the gun. We do have to fill out a transfer of firearms form. They are kept by the FFL for 7 years then destroid.

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