Rage 2 Blade Mechanicals Pros/Cons?


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Alright guys, I'm looking to buy new broadheads for the year and I think I'm leaning towards these Rage heads. Has anyone shot these or shooting them now? How are they, any good? I would like some feedback if possible. Thanks!!!

By the way sorry for not being on in like forever, been kinda busy with this thing we all call life..... but it's good to be back on, so Hi to everyone... I'll try to not make so long before my next visit. KS

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we've all been there. welcome back!

i've been shooting the 100gr regular 2 blades and i know others who do as well. All deer I've shot and I've seen shot with the 2-blades have a three inch gash for an entry and exit hole. Some who say they don't open are... well lets just say ignorant. The blades are bent or there's dirt and debris in the head to cause this I'd think. They open very easily, which is the reason for the design works so well. If you catch the head on something make sure it's still closed fully. When stalking I've taken double sided fletch tape and put it once around the lobs/head with ends slightly overlapped. This worked well and I still got a pass through at 23 yards. I've gotten pass throughs with a 60lb dw, 29" dl, 380gr total arrow weight, and bow IBO of 317fps out at various distances beyond 20 yards. I've seen one punch through a high on the shoulder blade hit, but blades were no good after that. i think most if not all heads out there won't be shootable as is after a shoulder or shoulder blade hit. i considered it lucky to make it through. that's not a good shot for many reasons so obviously avoid it. Last buck i hit was far back, catching one lung and the liver. the buck went 50 yards and the blood trail was so pronounced that a gun hunter who had always had bad thoughts about what an arrow couldn't do to a deer was made into a believer. they fly like darts too. even fly decent out of moderately tuned bows, which is why many people use them i think.

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If you do not hit shoulders these are great heads. They put down poorly hit deer and allow trailing that I do t believe a fixed blade will do.Cons-Moving parts=more things to fail.Penetration- way, way fewer pass through shots as compared to a fixed blade.Overall I think they are the best expandable made but I still will not shoot an expandable.My buddy shoots them and I can say that without a rage we do not find some of his deer.

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I'll have to admit, I'm a bit blown away why you'd consider changing broadheads on Nov. 8th. Is there some reason you're wanting to change now?

Personally...I have some Rage broadheads but I don't use them for hunting deer. I only shoot fixed blade heads, Montec G5's on deer. Too many cons vs. pros to switch to any expandable for hunting deer, mainly penetration issues with expandable heads.

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First, I would like to state it irritates me when someone groups all mechanical heads into one group because they are created very differently. I have expierience with several different heads but primarily Rockets by trophy ridge and Rage

Since this is a Rage post I will stick with those. I have and know many others that have used Rage with varied success.

Pros= Huge cutting diameter, Great entrance holes typically good blood trails

Cons= Poor penetration when contacting bone, Can open in quiver or while walking causing to open in flight.

My opinion= I shot 4 deer with these heads 2 I recovered easily and 2 I did not find the one was low in the shoulder probably my fault that being said I still only had about 4 inches of penetration. The other was a buck I hit high in the back and got roughly 6 inches of penetration no blood trail due to the angle and only having an entrance hole. Personally I have heard and seen first hand with me and friend have major penetration problems with the rage heads when contacting bone. When you dont hit a major bone they are an amazing head and you will hear and see pictures of great blood trail and deer piling up in short distances.

As for Rockets I have shot 14 deer with sidewinders and recovered all 14 from blasting rite through shoulders to the liver and everywhere in between. The rocket steelhead is another amazing head that will out penetrate many fixed blades this is not just me talking but independant testing. So when someone groups all mech heads into the same basket that is doing them an injustice.

Conclusion- Rage are an ok head in my opinion but I prefer a better penetrating head on thick bone which often a trophy buck has. Look at the Trophy Ridge of Rockets line the sidewinder and steelhead are simply amazing. The meatseaker is new as well but I have no expierience with it to speak of. I have also heard good things about Grim Reapers but again no personal expierience and I prefer the design with a band around the blades like on Rocket it guarentees the blades stay in place and that they will open 100 percent of the time

Edited by bghunter777
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I have also heard good things about Grim Reapers but again no personal expierience and I prefer the design with a band around the blades like on Rocket it guarentees the blades stay in place and that they will open 100 percent of the time

I speak for 10 years of experience with Grim Reaper Broadheads. Me and my brother and buddies have killed many, many deer with them and never had one fail yet. Do a post search for more testimonials.

I shot one doe with a Rage 3 blade and did not retrieve her. There was no blood trail at all because the head did not open. Being from Wisconsin, a local pro shop owner here has an "in" with folks at Rage and he lost the first deer he shot with the heads they gave him. He shoots Muzzy. Penetration is a problem and not just when hitting shoulders. So many on TV have shot them and show the deer hit in the rib cage and the arrow sticking out as it runs away. Many of those "Pros" don't shoot them anymore, and not just because another brand payed them more. Even with the Rage, 2 holes is better than 1. If your bow setup can handle them, try them. But continue to do your research.

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I tried the 3 blade version in 2010 (bought a 3 pack) and shot 2 does (broadside) and a hard quartering away buck.

Had great pass through shots on both does and although the exit hole was large, the blood trail was average but I did recover the animals in less than 100 yards (both double lung shots).

The final one was used on a big 8pt last season, 12 yards, hard quartering away shot and I did not get penetration and did not recover that animal.

Prior to using Rage, I used fixed blade Thunderheads. I'm now back to fixed blades.

So, IMO, broadside shots the heads performed well for me. Hard quartering away shot, the head did not penetrate. Just my experience on 3 deer. The reason I switched back is just my personal confidence. To each his/her own when it comes to head choice. Just find something you are confident in and use it :)

Hope this helps.

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I bought a pack a few years ago. Now I primarily hunt from a ground blind with my bow in my lap while I wait for deer. If bumped my bow or the arrow while moving or adjusting my seat the blades would open. Or if I grabbed an arrow from my quiver the blades would always open up. You could never depend on these for a quick second shot. Everytime I would come to a draw I had to peek around to see if the blades were open and that made me uneasy. I sold them and now I am sticking with my good old Slick Tricks that never fail.

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Cons= Poor penetration when contacting bone, Can open in quiver or while walking causing to open in flight.

I agree. Mine have opened in the treestand. I have two of the THREE blade rages that I willing to sell for an offer + minimal shipping. Note: If I can find the third from the pack I will also send that one too.

good luck to all

the dog

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Saw 2 bucks shot with these this season... not a pass through on either shot. Yes the make a great blood trail but it broke both the arrows, first one lodged on rib and other one lodged in shoulder. Both stopped dead on bone. Not bashing them at all, but i just prefer a fixed blade. Sometimes they are just the better option.

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