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here in southern wisconsin its been raining and the forecast for the next 7 days shows the winds being 15+ mph each day. the next 7 days are also supposed to be the "best" days for the rut this year... will this rain and the future winds have a dramatic affect on the rut this year? or will all be the same only our trees will be swaying while we're out there?

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Ive seen the two biggest deer of my hunting career on some of the nastiest days. One was a pretty 10 point 4 years ago that I saw chasing a doe one afternoon. It was 2nd week of Nov. but it was real warm, about 65 degrees, and wind blowing about 20 mph. Second was last year, a huge buck I watched chase a doe across a cut corn field about 150 yards from my blind. The wind was blowing hard that morning, and it was raining too. When its on, its on.

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