We took 7 deer in Minnesota this past weekend


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They say, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result."

This was true for me this past weekend in Minnesota. With permission to hunt a nursery where deer have consistently ruined hundreds of thousands of dollars in trees and shrubs, were were out on a mission.

The winds were consistently 20-40 miles per hour and the deer weren't moving well.

After 4 hours of standing in a particular corner, I realized, the deer were going to stay in the trees, so I walked 400 meters across the field where my buddies were all stationed in strategic spots in tree stands, box blinds and one right in the middle of a pine tree field.

They ended up shooting 4 between them and after sitting on the ground across the street, 4 deer came walking up a hill.

I put one in my sights, MISFIRE!! I pulled back the action and the bullet was stuck, I dropped the magazine, pulled the action back again, put a bullet in the magazine, rechambered (the whole time looking at the deer looking at me). I pointed and shot. I was happy to take the doe. The 100 yard drag wasn't the best, but I've had to do worse.

Out of the 5 of us 7 deer were taken. 4 does by one, 2 by my buddy's dad and one of my own.

My cousin, John, has had ample opportunity over the past 5 years, but still hasn't taken a deer. He still has the rest of the year in Illinois and Indiana to take one - but seeing so many deer being taken, I'm sure will have a positive effect.

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Good for you.

My hunting buddy and I both took big does this year. He got his opening weekend and I got mine the second weekend.

First time in at least 12 years that we didn't cut them up ourselves but had a lot going on this year so brought them to the cutter man.

Just picked mine up tonight.

So easy that way.

It was all over for us so I let a friend hunt my stand after we left for home.

He took a nice spike off of it.

Where were you hunting?

We hunt about 6 mi south of Aitkin.

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Between 3 of us, we got 4 opening weekend. I got an old, old 3pt with a declining rack. Niece got a nice 5pt, her mom got a big doe (still had her milk sack), and a fawn.

The 2nd weekend we didn't see too much, I had my crosshairs on 2 different does, both at 20yds but elected to let them go.

My big brother shot the biggest deer of his life, a giant 11pt Sunday night with 10min of light left. He is just thrilled. He was after a much, much, much bigger deer though. Saw a deer a few weeks back while bowhunting, said he has never seen a deer that big before, made his 11 look small. Said he literally almost passed out (Looked like one of the 170"+ you see on TV), didnt get a shot at him with a bow though.

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