Fishing Contest


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Guest Andrea

Re: Fishing Contest

I bet you are. And even though I am a devout Seminole, I kinda felt glad for him that they beat us. And thank GOD Spurrier went to SC.!!!!!!!!!!

This is gettin' off the subject isn't it?

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Re: Fishing Contest



LOL Huntin_Girl all you gotta do is throw a snake in Gators Boat! HE will be done fishing for the year!

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Hey!!!! Don't be givin folks any ideas now!!!!! That ain't even funny!!

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LOL now i gotcha! LOL that awesome!

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Re: Fishing Contest

I'm thinking it would be way to tough to organize a fishing contest here. Far too many categories, no prizes, and too little time. If you are interested I can pin a couple of topics with bluegill, bass, trout, salmon, etc etc. You can all keep a running thread of who's catching what. Add a pic and your all set.

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Guest Andrea

Re: Fishing Contest

Well, I can't wait til this gets put together. Don't care about prizes. I'm with Ryan on this one...we just want braggin' rights. tongue.gif

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Re: Fishing Contest

How about an ice fishing contest? grin.gif Bet Ryan would have a tough time catching bass that way. grin.giftongue.gif

It would be really tought to set a fishing contest up. About the only thing to try is have certain people go for certain species only (ie. myself would be pike and Ryan bass). So, only their species would count. Try to keep an even number of people to a species and put one person for each species on a team. Complicated though. blush.gif

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Re: Fishing Contest

Yea! Ims ure we can work something out easy and just for fun and bragging rights!

If you guys give me a ok! PM me a Catorgory that you would like to have! I fi get enough PM's on the Catorgory i will start a thread and have a MOD lock it!

Just PM me!

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Guest Andrea

Re: Fishing Contest

If it's too complicated then let's just have a bass/ catfish tournament. Everyone's got those kinda fish. Keep it simple. Longest fish wins!

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Re: Fishing Contest

Guys! PM me with a Catagory you would like! I will set up the rules and regs! I will also come up with a "RYAN" measuring table! So just PM me and Ill get it set up!

NOTE: this is just for fun! No prizes will be givin unless donated!

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Guest Andrea

Re: Fishing Contest


Huntin Girl, you sure you wanna have catfish in this contest?????

Let's at least add crappie and bluegill also, how's that?

[/ QUOTE ] Yes...catfish. Smart aleck. grin.gif Bream too. Bass? Of course! Catch 'em on lake SEMINOLE!

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Guest Andrea

Re: Fishing Contest

I think we should keep it as simple as possible. ( Don't want it too hard for Ryan) How about just channel cats and largemouths? And so Gator won't cry...bluegills and crappies. grin.gif

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Re: Fishing Contest


I think we should keep it as simple as possible. ( Don't want it too hard for Ryan) How about just channel cats and largemouths? And so Gator won't cry...bluegills and crappies. grin.gif

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Oh come on now, I was trying to include the 4 main fish that are found everywhere!!!!

The only crying is gonna be you, when I bring it that monster catfish and take this thing in 3 of 4 categories!!!!

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