Iv,e been watching, now time to post first post


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Got in early yesterday, thought they would be moving here in CNY. 6:50 AM the first and biggest of 3 bucks comes by, 20yd. shot and right on. Watched 2 more bucks come by while the big one only went 80 yds and layed down. Big old slob for our area, 194lbs field dressed. I had not seen any bucks from my "Favorite" stand in 4 previous trips, but the signs of this guy were there!

11.10.11-Bow Buck-3.jpg

11.10.11-Bow Buck.jpg



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Thank You all, I might want to add as i mentioned in my original post, I have been reading this forum for a few years and finally joined in Dec. 10. There is incredible amount of info on this site/forum and everyone is very polite/respectful of others and its great to see in todays world. True Sportsmen and Women!

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First off, congrats on your buck and picture of you sons, how great that must be to Share with. I had 3 Daughters and I could not convince one of them to hunt, they dont know what they are missing. I was on a high all morning that day, so putting this buck in the truck seemed easy at the time!, I know it wasnt!

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