redemption, kind of anyway


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Wiley E. wasn't so wiley this morning. Back during our archery season I took a shot on a yote at 7 yards from about 24 or so feet up a tree. Ended up having peep issues and missed. This morning about 180 yards out had this yote come through, kind of a long poke for the ml'er on that sized target, but on a yote I am gonna take the shot every chance I get. Hit a little higher than I expected, I held on the top of the shoulder. Watched it flop around as I kept on deer hunting and watched a buck come through about 5 minutes after shooting. Had to put another round in him after I got to him, hit his spine just above and a little behind the shoulder.

This one won't be eating anymore of Christina's chickens, any turkey poults, fawns, or beating anyone to their bowkills.



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