Turkey Poem

Guest Squirrelbuster

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Guest Squirrelbuster

Found this on another forum.

Spring Turkey Hunting

It's pitch black out and there's a nip in the air,

You look around wondering why you are there?

Then you realize, there is a very good reason,

Gee Whiz man, it's Spring Turkey Season.

You stumble through the woods in the pitch dark,

being on alert for a familiar land mark.

You get where you want, you don't know how,

Finding a place to hide is the main concern now.

You look around and find a place that's just right,

You crawl down in the spot and snuggle up real tight.

You lean your head back and you ponder it all,

And you wonder if you remember how to call.

Down in the hollow you hear that familiar sound,

For some unknown reason your heart starts to pound.

You answer with a call, your a little uptight,

And you wonder if you are doing it just right?

The next gobble you hear is a little bit clearer,

You start to sweat, you know he's coming nearer.

You work your call again with hands of clay,

You know Tom Turkey is coming your way.

Then the silence comes that seems so forever,

Did he pick you out? You know he's so clever.

The next gobble you hear it sounds like thunder,

Your really uptight, its no time to blunder.

He steps out from behind the tree, slowly walking,

Your hearts a throbbing, and your knees are a knocking.

You drop your call and grab your gun,

Tom Turkey is starting off on a run.

The guns to your shoulder as you hear your heart pound.

The gun goes off and he drops to the ground.

You reset the safety and jump to your feet and run like crazy,

Everything around you is blurry and hazy!

He's all yours now, but your shaking like a leaf,

While Tom Turkey lies on the ground flopping in grief.

You stare at this beauty god has sent from the skies,

This beautiful bird the lies there before your eyes.

But you'll come back forever, even if it's in vain,

Just to hear them gobble is worth all the pain.

Author Unknown

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