Took my neighbors daughter on her first hunt


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I've known this girl since I first moved into my house and she was 2. Her parents divorced several years ago and I've always tried to do as much as i could with her, which isn't a problem because she has always been one the sweetest and most polite people I've had the pleasure of watching grow up and spend time with. Well a couple of years ago she started showing an interest in wanting to go deer hunting with me but at the time I wasn't in a lease and was only going on hunts I was invited to go on. Last year I got into a lease and finally got all set up. She got her hunter education card this summer, and has been biting the bit waiting to go. Well last weekend was youth weekend and we fianally got to go on her first hunt. Sat morning had three lil yearlings come out (but she said they were too small) that evening nothing. The next morning we sat all morning with nothing to show for until 10:00 when a bobcat stepped out at 100 yards. I asked her if she wanted to shoot it and she was already looking down the scope taking the safety off! She asked me where she should shoot it at and I told her the same place I had showed her to on a deer. She shot and the cat jumped straight up about 5 feet and took off. She thought she had missed but i told to her she hit it. So after waiting a little while we got down and went to where it had been standing and right away saw blood and the look on her face was priceless. I let her do the tracking with no help and we walked about 45 yards through the woods til we walked right up to it. This was her first kill and after her reaction it definetly won't be her last. Next time hopefully will be her first deer. I'm going to try to attach the picture and after you see where the bullet hit I don't think she will have a problem on a deer. I couldn't have been more proud if it had been my own daughter.

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