My First Deer!


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Shot my first deer today, very excited! She came into our neighbors field then started walking through the woods where my dad and I were sitting up in our tree stand that we built together. She started eating and moved every 5min. to eat in another spot, she was also standing in a thick area about 50 or more yards away. Something caught her eye, it was my neighbors dog sneaking up on her. She kept flashing her tail and pricking her ears toward him. My dad was telling me I had one shot, and I knew she'd take off any second. I aimed with my eye to close to the scope and shaking. I shot and the scope hit my eye, im fine though, the doe bucked up and took of then dropped. My neighbors dog ran up and grabbed her neck. My dad was so proud but I had mixed emotions... I was happy that my dad was proud of me, but sad because I like deer. My dad hugged me and said he was so proud of me! We got to the doe and blood was pouring out of her, I had shot right behind her right shoulder. She was a larger doe and soooo heavy! May she rest in peace~ :)







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congrats on taking a deer and making memories with your dad. it's normal to feel that way. none of us enjoy the part about killing the game we hunt. it's simply a part of life. the deer was taken in a quick and humane way. natural causes of death leave no place for remorse and are often times cruel; cars hitting them in roadways, hungry packs of coyotes, or harsh starving winters. in the future if anyone is bitter towards you, remember that as you pretty much said, to you they mean something and are special. they aren't just another animal in the woods in that deserves the right to live.

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