2nd rut is kicking in


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It's been about 21 days since that 1st rut and the 2nd phase is kicking in. Very little activity the last week until the last few days. Bucks are chasing the does around that last few days. Last night I went out a rattled and had bucks coming from all different directions. Neat to play with those little guys.

Good luck to all

the dog

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Whitetails are close to a bovine cycle which is 26 to 28 days...not 21..I seriously doubt you are seeing the second cycle...probably just a few late ones in their first cycle would be my guess.

If it was the second week of December then I'd agree with your conclusion

That's interesting Mathews XT Man. I have been a Veterinarian for that last 25 years and work with dairy cattle everyday. I probably palpate 500 cows per week and work with the reproductive cycle. I will advise my professors at the College of Veterinary Medicine that the bovine reproductive cycle is NOT 21 days as we were taught, but 28 days. Here is some casual reading that I am sure you will enjoy.... Estrous Cycle Learning Module

The increased activity that we are seeing (second rut) must be the early does that got missed a month ago and the young ones just coming into heat.

good luck to all

the dog

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I guess I been out of the Dairy business longer than I thought.('94)...lol..Im sure Ive forgotten alot more than that by now..You are correct about the 21 day cycle..I did have one of the highest pregnancy rates around with my herd, so i didnt miss many...I must have forgot, anyways, whitetails are 28 days not dairy cows....i still do not beleive the does are ready to cycle again at this time, but another week and we may see it starting

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Mathews XT Man

Congrats on your high preg rate. Most of my herds are 18 -22%. What was your herd's preg rate?

You are correct in that whitetails are 28 days. With variances of first heat (+/- 7 days) and variances of individual reproductive cycles (+/- 2 days). That gives the 2nd rut a variance of 9 days in either direction for those "oddball females". Find the one doe in heat and you'll find the bucks.

good luck to all

the dog

Edited by pointing_dogs_rule
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The increased activity that we are seeing (second rut) must be the early does that got missed a month ago and the young ones just coming into heat.

yea i don't think we're into it much. on the couple properties i hunt that are relatively close together, i'm seeing more young ones just coming in. tail end of peek breeding right now.... here. i agree with the cattle in general being 21 and 28 days whitetails. cycles are a little more finicky with the heavy set beef cattle i'm use to. good luck to you too dog.

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Seeing rutting signs picking back up here, could be latecomers to the primary rut since our peak rut is usually around the third week of November. Suppose those does that went early that missed may be coming back in now, but seems a little early. Saw a mature buck running along a thin strip of woods at 2:30 in the afternoon yesterday. Went back to a stand after I got home yesterday and watched 2 bucks(1.5 and 2.5 year old) push one doe across my field, bigger buck tried several times to chase the smaller one off, was kinda comical. Saw a couple does cutting fields in two different places this morning and a buck that looked like he was guarding a field edge along the way, all well after daylight. I will be out this afternoon covering our back field, but not with the bow.

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