Worst Day Turns GREAT!!!


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I dont get in here much anymore. But I wanted to share this with all of you!

The night before the opening day of rifle season, I have the worst night of sleep ever! I was lucky to get three hours max. Been fighting this problem for several weeks. But I get up at 3AM, get my shower and load up the truck. Dad gets here with the coffee and Micky D's sandwiches.

As dawn fast approaches, I am trying so hard to stay awake. Around 6:50AM I hear my first shot, this perks me up! Finally after the archery season shows me no deer, 8:50AM six does run past, now I am really perked up! ;) But I am looking for that buck, no buck in particular, just a buck! Call dad on the radio, he seen a few does and a small buck. I am thinking maybe things might turn around, nope! 12 noon, no deer since, thinking about packing it in for the day. 2PM I have everything packed, then two more does show up, ok, Ill stay till four now...

Sitting there debating about telling my father about leaving early on the first day of PA's rifle opener. I hear a crack of a branch, which sounded like something stepped on it! I hear leaves being walked on, but see nothing! Darn squirrels I am thinking!

But then I see a rack moving, but this is not just any rack! ITS HUGE!!!! I noticed two other deer, but never made them out. At this point, my full attention is on this buck! He disappears! I am frantically looking! I found him, and he is walking towards me, cool! Then he stops dead in his tracks looking right at me about 80 yards! He drops his head and swings it right up at me! I am now thinking he knows something is not right! He makes a step up towards the top of the mountain, I squeezed the trigger, threading my bullet between the two trees into his chest. He fly's back down which in turn I followed another shot. Thinking he is down, I grabbed my pack, reload the mag just in case. Once I get within 30-40 yards of him he jumps up, but cant get nowhere, I dispatched him with one more shot!

Here he is!!! Un-official score is 166 5/8. I will have it scored and entered into the PA's books if it makes it. The taxerdermist thinks it will.






Edited by LifeNRA
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  jbeck said:
Great buck John, 166 holy crap man what a hog. Well done

Yeah I know, deer like this are not normal to this area either! I knew it was a big rack, but this boy had no ground shrinkage when I walked up! A bunch of people said he was about 4-4.5 years old. Ill ask the taxidermist. BTW, he is a main frame ten with two stickers. One is hiding behind the main beam. Both are longer than one inch. To me, he is a 12 point! ;) I seriously doubt Ill ever beat this deer here in PA. So unless I get something bigger(which the wife hope's not!!!) Ill be done mounting any more deer! There is always fish!!! LOL!!!

Thanks all!!!

Edited by LifeNRA
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