Hey Tominator.....


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Guess what Chris? I hurt myself, waaa haaa haaa!:hammer1:

Actually if any of you have not cut your palm before, it hurts like crazy!

Was cutting some Deciduous holly branches with my mom to put in our wreath and the pruners which I sharped snipped right into my palm....Doesn't look bad on the outside but a little deep and hurts like crazy. No, I don't need stitches, should heal ok on it's own. Good thing I know first aid:yes: lol I will say I was only about an 1/8" away from a vein that really would have bled...:-o

Be careful with sharp objects everyone!

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Yikes! I hear ya Ruth, cuts on the hand are horrible, especially the palm because they're so hard to heal with opening and closing your hand! Last year around this time I was repairing an Allison transmission out of a 1 ton truck, was getting it set up to bolt back up to the engine, had it almost onto the dowels, gave it a quick shove like I usually do with the smaller transmissions to get it into position. The 450lb tank didn't move as expected, only thing that moved was the palm of my hand on the back of the sharp aluminum case. Put about a 3 inch long 1/8" deep cut on my palm. I can still feel it!:taped:

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