Indiana DNR Gets Failing Grade for Informing Hunters of 2011 Season Rules


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As a former resident of Indiana and one that purchased a $150 tag this year, I am extremely displeased with the States lack of information on the website and while checking in at public hunting grounds regarding the Buck-Only Rule on those public hunting grounds.

Granted, the rule did not apply to areas outside of Willow Slough, LaSalle, or Jasper Pulaski - however, I only found the rule to be in place by talking with a fellow hunter during the second weekend of shotgun season.

I did not believe him, but observed the rule until I could check out the Indiana DNR website - there was no information about this at all.

The next day, I asked the game warden if the rule was true and he confirmed that it was. I looked around for postings, information and documentation within the check-in area informing hunters that the rule was in place. There was nothing posted at all.

This is disturbing to me, not only as someone that tries to obey the law (all of them), but also because through experience and anecdotal conversations with other hunters - We hunters would be 100% liable for shooting a doe with a shotgun during shotgun season, regardless if we were aware of the rule or not.

I believe that if we as citizens engaged in a regulated activity, should be fully informed of the regulation - not just at a state level but also in every area that that rule applies.

If the rule was created to limit the amount of does being taken during the 2011 season, informing deer hunters is not only the responsible thing to do, but the ethical and lawful thing to do.

I encourage anyone that was ticketed for taking a doe with a shotgun in any restricted area during shotgun season to get an attorney and expose the lack of information disseminated by the Indiana Department of Resources.

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I do agree that our DNR does a very poor job of communicating information to the public. We all saw this with the whole rule change proposal and what a screw up that was. It's very confusing to me how the DNR from one side says they want to reduce the deer herd, but then several major DNR properties are buck only. How does that happen? They can cite all the biologists they want but it doesn't pass the sniff test if you know what I mean.

Another major issue I have is that when the government had a shortfall in cash they borrowed the money from the wildlife fund. To my knowledge that money has not yet been returned. My father actually cornered Mitch Daniels on this in person. Of course he was promised they would return the money but who knows......

It's unfortunate but our DNR has too many of the wrong people in their backpocket and whispering in their ears.

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