Bear Den pics

Ravin R10 man

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Was standing on top of den when I spotted this; I remembered that part where forest gump crawls into the hole to check it by the looks of it's head I'd say 250# minumum but may go 300# I just layed right up in the hole and took these pics...the bear yawned..I called DNR to see if they want to tag it and include it in a study program.


Shhh dont wake him up!!


Cant a guy get any rest around here??


Edited by Mathews XT Man
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landowner came out today to see the bear& wanted pics...yup..crawled in and snapped a few for them...bear looked up & yawned.the kind where the tongue just flops out of the mouth....and I missed the pic...

Got a letter from Leonard Lee Rue III, a great photographer, and wildlife lecturer. He said he was jealous of my bear den pictures..he said he has never gotton den pics in all the years he has been at it. Dont know if it's an honor or

I tossed in a few marshmellows today..the bear ate them..along with some salami and old cheeze from a cheeze tray that got old on us

Edited by Mathews XT Man
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