Deer rifle for a up and coming boy


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Need some deer rifle rifle advice for my boy who will be 12 in May. He has been shooting .22's and my .223 for a couple of years now. Chrismas morning he will open his own bolt action .22 cal rifle, and then want to move him up to a future deer rifle next year. I want to get him started with a centerfire caliber (prob .243), but not sure if I should get him a youth rifle or a regular rifle he can grow in to. At 11, he is currently 5' tall and weighs 120lbs. What are your recommendations on how to get him to make the jump to a centerfire next year?

I would love to get him shooting a 20 gauge 870 express combo, so he can use the rifled barrel for deer, but prefer the accuracy of the rifle. I'm so confused....

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Dunno Ken, can see where that would create some question. I got my oldest a browning A bolt micro hunter in .243 when she was 9, she was pretty small then. She won't hardly take her rifle anymore, she is 15 now and she always wants to take my .270 model 700 adl. She is only about 105 lbs and like 5'5" and she handles the full size model 700 with no issues at all. Might try out some regular rifles with Blade and see how they feel for him.

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I remember when I was young that being sucessful on your first deer hunt was more about desire than the rifle. When we were actually trusted to go deer hunting, with the men we basically worshipped, it was a big deal. It was a time when money and new rifles were not plentiful so you learned to use what they gave you and we were desperate to prove ourselves. We used mostly cut down military rifles. The 6.5's and 7mm's being the easiest to shoot. I'm sure whatever you give your son will be fine if the desire is there. I killed a little spike that year with one shot with an eye witness and started a reputation for myself. God bless and Merry Christmas.

Edited by m gardner
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Most rifles and shotguns are available with youth stocks. This in my opinion is the way to go. Get him comfortable right from the start.

Later on you can purchase a full size stock once he has grown a bit more. Stocks aren't all that expensive, especially in synthetic from the mfg. Even many aftermarket stocks are reasonably priced and you have the option to customize the rifle.

Check Revolution stocks out. They have some nice products at a reasonable price.


Edited by LETMGROW
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Dang, those are some sweet stocks!!! I am going to purchase him a Remington 870... He could stand to use the youth model for a few years, but here is my question. If I buy the 870 Youth model, will the adult length stock bolt right in place without mod and will it have the Youth model stamped on the barrel? Should I purchase the regular 870 and add the youth stock before giving it to him and put the original away?


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I'd prefer a rifle myself too Ken. I'd pick the .308 Win. Recoil isn't bad at all. Dad has a BLR which only has a 20" barrel and weighs <7lbs. I'm pretty confident Blade wouldn't have a problem shooting that. There's a couple young lads in our group that shoot the same gun. One is 12 years old and took his first deer with his dad's BLR .308. We were blasting at a porcupine up in a tree by the farm and he took about 4 shots out of my BLR .300 WSM. Afterwards he was like "Dad, I want a short mag!!" Didn't have a problem at all.

.243, .25-06 or 7mm-08 would also be a good choice.

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ok i have the perfect gun for you i have one of these myself a 30-06 spring field i know you think its too big but trust me it's not look for manage recoil 125 grain bullets. They have half the recoil of the original 125 grain bullets with the same knock down power. I killed my first three deer with this set up myself and the 30-06 will shoot any where from 50 grain bullets up past what i now shoot which is 180 grain bullets. Great gun. Make sure it's a remington though.

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You should also look at the 7mm-08. Its a very good little round with very managable recoil and makes a much larger hole than the 243. As for brands, I've got several H&R/NEF guns and they are very accurate and recoil is light. I've also shot a Rem. 700 youth gun in 243 and it was spectacular. The recoil felt like 1/2 of what it was on my NEF and the gun just feels great in your hands. I think you can upgrade to an adult stock on it. Mossberg has a Bantum gun that has an adjustible stock that can grow with the kid.

Good luck in finding what you want.

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I bought my son a compact ultalight H&R 223 a couple of years ago. This year H&R offered a 20" 7mm08 light barrel in their barrel program. Sent my sons rifle off and recieved it back earlier this week. Have not had a chance to shot it yet though.

I've got one of those little 223's with a leupold 2-7x32 on it. It shoots about 1.25" at 100 yards prone, no bags. I wouldn't shoot a deer past 50 yards with it, so that about as good as I think is necessary.

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Ok.. bowhunter97 made a good point. I want my boy to have 1 rifle, all around good caliber and st 43, I am starting to wish my 30-06 was a .270.. I am thinking about getting Blade the .270 with managed recoil loads and letting him just shoot away all summer... he is very good with a .223 and a .22 already.

Might let him try the .30-06 with managed recoil loads Ken. Honestly I don't know if you are using deer slugs in a lightweight shotgun that the perceived recoil is going to be any less.

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Real good choice imo Ken. Eventually I am going to break down and get another 700, looks as though my 15 year old has decided my. 270 is hers. lol.

Thanks everyone.... Now for optics.... Lol

Lot of good options in optics, matter of preference. I would top it with a nikon monarch or buckmaster scope if it were me.

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I can't fault you for going with a 270, that's what I shoot. My wife however shoots a 25-06. Talk about an awesome gun. Shoot an 85 gr. varmint round to a 117-120 round for big deer. The ballistics are dang good, and the recoil is less of a 270. I'm actually debating on getting one!

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