Had one of the closest calls I ever want to..

Hunt or be Hunted

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Went into work this morning. Like every morning... Me, John, Richard got our stuff together, Put our overalls on, And was off to the left side of the Levee at work to cut some trees. I didn't put chaps on like I should have.. Got to the Levee and started cutting.

I forgot my drink in the truck. So I drove to the truck in the Ranger. Was on my way back and seen John cutting a tree. About 10 inches round.

I could see that it was going to fall the wrong way that he had planned. So I ran up to the tree and pushed on it and bout that time here came the tree right to me. Hit my shoulder. Brought me to the ground.

John didn't see my leg and when he pulled his saw out. Went right to my leg..

If it wasn't for the overalls I don' know if I'd have a leg right now... Tore the overalls up and my pants. But somehow didn't even put a scratch on me.

Richard and John brought me back to the shop. I filled out a Accident Report. I'm super sore right now. Shoulder and knee is bothering me. No broken bones.

I can say this much... It scared the living crap outta this boy... I don't know how I got through that with my life. Good lord was watching over me for sure. One of the closest calls I've ever had..

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yea they do. he also got lucky that the tree got caought on the stump and dint fall on top of him and he didnt have to go home in a wheelchair with a body cast on now me and him are banned from running equipment but we wernt the ones running the equip if we were we would have went a complete diffrent route than what john did and let if fall north where it was going to go instead of trying to drop it south where there was no weight to mnake it go south all the weight was on the north end

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You are lucky..never get behind a tree that wants to go the other way....sometimes equipment can be used to push it if you know what you are doing..sounds like you acted before you thought

Your right.. Acted before I thought. I wasn't there at the time to see what they were going to do. All I know is I showed up and seen it wasn't gonna work out like they planned so I ran to help not thinking of what could happen. Told John (The one who cut it) Always better to do a little extra work then to put someone 6 feet under.

In some bad pain right now. Knee is throbbing with pain. Swollen too. May call into work tomorrow. Really makes you think about how lucky you really are when something like that happens...

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Definitely a close call. If a tree starts going one way it's going that way. even with equipment i don't like to force it. the base breaking free and kicking back can break equipment and if it's you instead it's even worse. I don't wear chaps, but always thought I should. Anyway good luck healing up Jeremy. Good you're still around.

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your last pargraph asked a good question, then answered it properly. it seems like the lord was not quite ready for you. yet. anyway, you did one of those stupid things that each and every one of us have done, and cheated the reaper with the help of our lord. i'm glad you are hurting now and not being put to rest. hurt is good, and it means you're alive.

so, now that you've learned a lesson, enjoy your new life and have a wonderful new year.

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Please guys, take some advice from someone who does this for a living.....just dont mess around trying to cut trees down without proper training and equipment. I was once called the village idiot on this site because I was dumb enough to tell that I dont wear a safety harness in my stand. Believe me when I tell you, safety equipment is soooo important logging!! Theres all kinds of ways to fell trees directionally, and I can tell from the conversation here you are mostly weekend warriors if I can put it bluntly. There is a good teaching organization out there called the Game of Logging if you are really interested in proper felling techniques. Unfortunately learning from your mistakes will get you killed in the woods. Lane

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It's just amazing how heavy a 10" tree can be isn't it? When we learned to cut trees ( geez it's been 45 years) they started us out with axes and crosscut saws and horses. The instructors said it was because chain saws cut faster than our little pea brains could think and the horse knew more than we did about skidding and wouldn't hurt anybody. :yes: Glad you're okay. Logging is up there on the list with crab fishing as a dangerous job. BTW I eventually became a machinist that limped.

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Please guys, take some advice from someone who does this for a living.....just dont mess around trying to cut trees down without proper training and equipment. I was once called the village idiot on this site because I was dumb enough to tell that I dont wear a safety harness in my stand. Believe me when I tell you, safety equipment is soooo important logging!! Theres all kinds of ways to fell trees directionally, and I can tell from the conversation here you are mostly weekend warriors if I can put it bluntly. There is a good teaching organization out there called the Game of Logging if you are really interested in proper felling techniques. Unfortunately learning from your mistakes will get you killed in the woods. Lane

being blunt is just right here. i have a chain saw and no training. so, i'm like the rest here, just start up the most dangerous tool in the private arsenal and do your thing. then, get your limbs sewn back on if you can. it's amazing how many folks get a sore head from kickbacks. so, good advice here and worth the read.

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Please guys, take some advice from someone who does this for a living.....just dont mess around trying to cut trees down without proper training and equipment. I was once called the village idiot on this site because I was dumb enough to tell that I dont wear a safety harness in my stand. Believe me when I tell you, safety equipment is soooo important logging!! Theres all kinds of ways to fell trees directionally, and I can tell from the conversation here you are mostly weekend warriors if I can put it bluntly. There is a good teaching organization out there called the Game of Logging if you are really interested in proper felling techniques. Unfortunately learning from your mistakes will get you killed in the woods. Lane

My brother in law is an arborist and I know he would agree. Having knowledge is important, things can go wrong way to quick even when you know what your doing and there is not a lot of room for forgiveness sometimes.

Glad to hear you're going to be ok.

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