Late season success


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Here are some pics of my hunt on Friday night. It started to snow around 2:15. I got to my hunting property around 3:00. Got dressed and grabbed my bow. I decided to hunt my tent blind. I haven't been seeing much from there since I put it up in October. But with the fresh snow I decided to give it a try. I walked out the back door to head to the blind and had to bust several deer off the cut corn to get on stand. They were out early with this snow. Should be a good hunt. I got out opened the blind up sat down and grabbed my bow. I didn't even get a chance to put an arrow on my string when the first group of does walked thru at 15 yards broad side. I sat for about another 20 minutes and then decided to put my outer wear on to fight the cold. I put my right arm into my jacket when I caught movement coming out of the thick stuff at about 18 yards. Big doe. I grabbed my bow, one arm in my jacket one out. OH Well. She walked into about 15 yards. She stopped at 18. THWACK! Sounded like I smacked a plastic tarp. She took off I found her in a hole about 60 yards later. Pass thru about 3 inches higher than I wanted, but did the job. Then the fun started pulling her out of the cedar swamp. Season is over now with the exception of pulling in my stands....




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