Iraq War Ends


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the iraq war did not end. we just left the good folks there to defend themselves like we did in viet nam. it's not over, just deserted. you'll hear from the middle east folks real soon, and real bad. the whole muslim world is our enemy, and it's gathering storm strength right now.

our military leaders, starting with petraeous, did not want this. it's just another bad decision made by our muslim rooted president, obama. if you pay attention to what he says in his books and what he's been doing as president, you'll know what i'm saying. or, put your head back into the sand and enjoy whatever freedoms we have left for as long as they last. and then, enjoy whatever you get after that.

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Blade, it's important to realize that most people in this country are not as bigoted and racist, or as filled with hate as some of the people that have already responded to your post. Some people are so dim-witted that they fear anything (or anyone) that is different than them in any way. To those type of people, anyone whose skin is a different color, or have different beliefs, are automatically the enemy......they would do anything to manipulate a person to see things their way. Even tell lies, especially to a young person such as yourself. I hope that when you're grown up, you see that the world is full of all different kind of people, and most of them should have as much of a right as we do to live as they please. But thats not up to me, or anyone else to convince you is right or wrong. I'm also glad the major operations in Iraq are over, have you talked with your parents about how you feel? They are the only ones you should really listen to. I'll let the posts that follow mine speak for themselves.

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Blade, it's important to realize that most people in this country are not as bigoted and racist, or as filled with hate as some of the people that have already responded to your post. Some people are so dim-witted that they fear anything (or anyone) that is different than them in any way. To those type of people, anyone whose skin is a different color, or have different beliefs, are automatically the enemy......they would do anything to manipulate a person to see things their way. Even tell lies, especially to a young person such as yourself. I hope that when you're grown up, you see that the world is full of all different kind of people, and most of them should have as much of a right as we do to live as they please. But thats not up to me, or anyone else to convince you is right or wrong. I'm also glad the major operations in Iraq are over, have you talked with your parents about how you feel? They are the only ones you should really listen to. I'll let the posts that follow mine speak for themselves.
first, blade, i want to apologize as i'd clearly forgotten your age. but, with this post you not only see the name calling and short sited views held by the uninformed or mal informed, but you also see the clearly positioned "head in the sand" people i was speaking of. remember, there are pure communists (na: socialists, marxists, progressives, liberals, stalinists) right here in this country, who want our way of life changed forever. the muslim world is very clearly telling us that they want us, the u.s.a., destroyed and call us the devil. that's not me speaking, it's the muslim leaders, called imams. it was not us that ordered the attack on 911, it was the muslims. the same muslims who today are calling for our destruction. it's not about color, it's about creed. the koran demands the death of all infidels, and an infidel is anyone who is not muslim. it's all pretty clear to me.

with your age, you'll be able to witness what is about to happen as it happens, and decide for yourself in the years to come. in the meantime, enjoy your youth. later on in life, you'll have plenty of time to view what's happening and vote the wrongdoers out of office. actually, it will be done later on this year. so, enjoy your youth, go hunting, and have a HAPPY NEW YEAR

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Right on Steve...I figured some liberal would speak up..seems when people speak the truth about what has been going on they feel they must call names, and label people...I saw none of that previous to that post.

that's all the liberals (progressives, socialists, etc) have. they cannot argue with obama's socialism, they cannot say that obamacare will not destroy our country (every economist says it will), they cannot run on obama's record of lies and deceipt, and i could go on. and on. and on. but the attack on conservatives will be the only thing the left can say, as even they can see what obama has done to this country, and even the most communist of them can see what obamacare, or variances of it in countries around the world, has done to the respective country and it's health care system. there is a reason other country leaders come to america for health care.

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the iraq war did not end. we just left the good folks there to defend themselves like we did in viet nam. it's not over, just deserted. you'll hear from the middle east folks real soon, and real bad. the whole muslim world is our enemy, and it's gathering storm strength right now.

our military leaders, starting with petraeous, did not want this. it's just another bad decision made by our muslim rooted president, obama. if you pay attention to what he says in his books and what he's been doing as president, you'll know what i'm saying. or, put your head back into the sand and enjoy whatever freedoms we have left for as long as they last. and then, enjoy whatever you get after that.

Actually a very good reply Steve and quite accurate from all that I have heard and read. I was going to go a little more in depth on my thoughts as to what the "withdrawal from Iraq" meant, for us and for those people in that area, but figured that would be better discussed in thread in the political room and not in a youth members post in the lounge, perhaps this thread should be moved(lounge mods decision). What is really sad is that we have had so many men and women and their families make the ultimate sacrifices to give the people of Iraq freedom and to hopefully get them to a point where they could stand on their own and keep that freedom and hopefully also help with cutting down terrorism. Sadly our own president did not listen to his advisors and the generals and I agree he made a poor decision.

Blade, it's important to realize that most people in this country are not as bigoted and racist, or as filled with hate as some of the people that have already responded to your post. Some people are so dim-witted that they fear anything (or anyone) that is different than them in any way. To those type of people, anyone whose skin is a different color, or have different beliefs, are automatically the enemy......they would do anything to manipulate a person to see things their way. Even tell lies, especially to a young person such as yourself. I hope that when you're grown up, you see that the world is full of all different kind of people, and most of them should have as much of a right as we do to live as they please. But thats not up to me, or anyone else to convince you is right or wrong. I'm also glad the major operations in Iraq are over, have you talked with your parents about how you feel? They are the only ones you should really listen to. I'll let the posts that follow mine speak for themselves.

It is always interesting debating with you and have enjoyed watching my oldest daughter(15 now) who is not much older than blade debate with you, however if you persist with making derogatory remarks directed at other members you will be banned from these forums. Your comments suggesting other members are racist or bigoted are totally uncalled for and I believe you owe those members an apology. Civil debate is welcome, name calling of other members is and always has been grounds for banning here, let this be a warning.

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first, blade, i want to apologize as i'd clearly forgotten your age. but, with this post you not only see the name calling and short sited views held by the uninformed or mal informed, but you also see the clearly positioned "head in the sand" people i was speaking of. remember, there are pure communists (na: socialists, marxists, progressives, liberals, stalinists) right here in this country, who want our way of life changed forever. the muslim world is very clearly telling us that they want us, the u.s.a., destroyed and call us the devil. that's not me speaking, it's the muslim leaders, called imams. it was not us that ordered the attack on 911, it was the muslims. the same muslims who today are calling for our destruction. it's not about color, it's about creed. the koran demands the death of all infidels, and an infidel is anyone who is not muslim. it's all pretty clear to me.

with your age, you'll be able to witness what is about to happen as it happens, and decide for yourself in the years to come. in the meantime, enjoy your youth. later on in life, you'll have plenty of time to view what's happening and vote the wrongdoers out of office. actually, it will be done later on this year. so, enjoy your youth, go hunting, and have a HAPPY NEW YEAR

All we have to do to know what's coming next is to look at the history of the region. It's even worst than Steve says here. Anyone not believing exactly like them are the enemy and have no rights to life. Why do you think we hear so much of the Suni's and the Shiets (sp?)? They have been killing each other for 1600 years because they don't agree with the others interpritation of Islam. It would be like the Methodist and Baptist killing each other over dunking or sprinkling.

Blade I would encourage you to ignore everything that everyone is saying on here and read the history of that region. There you will find the truth.

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