Iowa Caucus's


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One thing about living in Iowa, besides big bucks, are the caucuses. I just love going to these things. Small towns... lots of passionate debate and lots of fun. In our small meeting (100 people, which is about 5 times larger then usual):

Rick Santorun - 41

Ron Paul - 21

Mitt Romney - 21

Huntsman - 1

Perry - 1

Bachmann - 3

Newt - 12

good luck to all

the dog

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It is very interesting for sure. I want to puke when I hear people saying about no candidate being able to beat Obama. After the last 4 years ( I realize it is still GW's fault ) of this crap, it disturbs me deeply that so many would still vote for Obama and "give him more time". If he gets re-elected, our country is dumber and lazier than I thought it was. God help us.

Edited by PotashRLS
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Things should only get more interesting from here.

Will be real interesting to see how Santorum does in New Hampshire, if his momentum carries. Expected Perry to drop out, but sounding like he is intending to stay in and planning to skip ahead to South Carolina. Santorum should be able to pick up a good percentage of the Bachmann supporters and would expect if Perry gets out Santorum will likely also pick up most of them. Think Santorum could realistically end up being the nominee, I personally like him better than Romney however I don't know at this point that he would have a better chance of beating Obama.

Ron Paul could end up being a spoiler as Ross Perot was, if he ends up running as an independant or if too many people write him in rather than voting the best candidate that is on the ballot.

  PotashRLS said:
I want to puke when I hear people saying about no candidate being able to beat Obama. After the last 4 years ( I realize it is still GW's fault ) of this crap, it disturbs me deeply that so many would still vote for Obama and "give him more time". If he gets re-elected, our country is dumber and lazier than I thought it was. God help us.

A concern there may be that the republican candidates have beaten each other up so much that Obama may have a chance at getting re elected. With looking at Obama's performance and his poor approval rating it would seem that it would stand to reason that he should not be re elected.

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"A concern there may be that the republican candidates have beaten each other up so much that Obama may have a chance at getting re elected. With looking at Obama's performance and his poor approval rating it would seem that it would stand to reason that he should not be re elected"

wtn.... I agree with the above statement, however, do you think that Obama and the Dems. won't pull out all the stops for the general election. It's either us or them that will attack.

I personally went with Santorum. Really like alot of what he stands for, including protecting the 2nd ammend. and sponsoring bills against frivalous lawsuits against those that manufacter guns.

I was watching Ed Rollins this morning and he had an interesting breakdown. 40% of the people that voted for Romney did it because "he was the most electable". 35% of those that voted for Santorum did it "because of his values".

On our caucus meeting. It was the biggest ever and the most knowledgable, thoughtful, and articulate meeting ever. What enthusiasim!!!

The overall message was; "anyone of the canidates were acceptable...... to beat Pres. Obama"

good luck to all

the dog

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  pointing_dogs_rule said:
wtn.... I agree with the above statement, however, do you think that Obama and the Dems. won't pull out all the stops for the general election. It's either us or them that will attack.

Think most people, most voters, expect to see the opposing party sling the mud, imo it looks worse when your own party is throwing you under the bus and could potentially be more damaging. Dirty work being done and Obama is not having to do anything but stand back and watch. In my opinion Ronald Reagan had it right that there should not be infighting within the party between candidates.

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remember, it's the news media that got obama elected. the same news media that is telling us today how wonderful he is, and how well america is doing. the same media that will be shocked next novenber just like they were 2 years ago, when they suffered a "shellacing" i believe this will be worse this year for the libs than when reagan beat carter 49 states to 1.

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