Ice fishing pics from last week.


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Well a good week all in all. Caught some nice fish, and the weather was good, -10 to -27 which is just nice for ice fishing, after -30 it is a bit less fun. Lots of trout, whitefish, a few accidental pike in the 7 to 13 or 14 pound range, and a few splake, though they were a bit slow. I will try to put these pics in chronological order.


Day one, -17, Manitou Lake. Trout were decent, nothing big but some nice 3 to 5 pound eaters. Three of us caught about 12 or 13 and kept three to eat.


There is my dad with two of the ones we kept.

Day two, Big Sandy Lake, -19, whitefish fair, caught 35 to 40 for four of us most in the 4 to 6 pound class(really big fish in that lake), some trout from 6 to 13 pounds(5 in total i think), and a few pike from 10 to 12 pounds. Released all but one trout that was hooked bad, all the pike, and all but 7 or 8 whitefish.


Me with an average whitefish about 4.5 pounds, and about a 7or 8 pound trout.


Friend of my dad's with a 12 pound trout we unfortunately had to keep because it was gill hooked and bled out.

Day 3, splake in clobber lake(hidden gem about 20 acres involves 18 miles on an old logging road,5 mile trip on a lake, short portages across three otther small lakes, and then one short 20 yard portage straight up hill. Fishing was decent, -12, caught about 30 for two of us, but mainly very small fish in the 8 to 12 inch range, only two we kept that were 13 and 16 inches. Still fun though.


the two we kept.


The first lake we crossed on the way was covered in wolf tracks, we spotted 5 on the lake but by the time i got within camera range and got the lens cap off(oops) all that was left was the tracks. lol

Day 4&5 back to big Sandy, -10, and -27, whitefish amazing, and some nice trout and pike incidentally caught. Four of us caught about 125 whitefish between the two days, again almost all from 4 to 6 pounds, some trout up to 16 pounds, and a few pike in the 8 to 14 pound class. This lake produces some monster pike, a few years ago one 53.5 inches and estimated at 43 pounds was caught and released. I didn't get pictures of the pike because i really didn't care at first(they are a common thing here) and then when i decided to take a few pics for you guys my batteries died. The limit on whitefish is 25 each, but we only kept a couple each to eat. All trout were released, and all pike.


Me with an 11 pound trout


A smelt my dad snagged. They are not native to the area but got into that lake. That is why the whitefish grow so big, they have all the smelt they can eat.


The magic bait for the trout and whitefish is a 1" green tube with a 2.5 inch minnow. The big trout even go after it, last year my dad got one between 25 and 30 pounds he released.


Splake fillets


Trout fillets.

Oops how did i forget. Day one, had the rod i wasn't jigging frozen in the ice, looked over and had a big fish on, but the levelwind reel was frozen. Rather than spool out line the rod was breaking loose. I dove for it and about 2 feet away it ripped free and shot down the hole. There went $80, and a fish that must have been at least 15 pounds to rip it out of the ice like that. Here is the hole...looks barren withough the rod. frown.gif


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Re: Ice fishing pics form last week.

Those are some great pictures man. Good looking fish as well. I love cracking the throttle accross brand new snow on a frozen lake.

Would have been neat to get up to those wolves! I remember last year, a trapper filled his timberwolf tag while we were fishing on the same lake. We hear a shot and he came over to explain, just so we didn't get worked up. All was fine and I couldn't believe the sheer size of the animal. grin.gif

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Re: Ice fishing pics form last week.

I know i keep thinking i should bring a gun and orange when we go fishing. I see a lot of wolves on the lakes. THe problen is by teh time you uncased teh gun and got off the machine they would be out of range. Back in the 60's i guess they would drive up beside them as shoot them on the run, but that is rather illegal these days. I still think if i could call i would be able to get some on the ice while fishing, but unfortuantely i can't call so i will just keep trying for them with the camera on fishing trips.

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