Rabbit Hunting

the one

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I go out once deer season is over. I like it when there's a little snow on the ground--makes hunting them easier by finding their tracks, and the brown against white. I wish I liked eating them a bit more, because I have a very healthy population of them around me. I'm planning a decent hunt here in a couple weeks with a few buddies.

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Rabbit population has been down for a while here. The season has been the same as regular small game for a while as far as I know, but it seems like everyone I see I have the wrong weapon in hand. Saw a couple in deer season but had the .300 WSM in hand, if the shot wasn't 100% perfect there'd be nothing but a puff of fur...:no:

Shot a couple a few years back when partridge hunting or just out for a walk with the .22 in hand. The .22 nearly blew the head right off the poor bugger and the 20ga with #6's was perfect, to look at it you wouldn't even think it was shot.

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I used to hunt WABBITTS...30 years ago, but the preditors have them cleaned up here now for years..we used to get on logging jobs in the winter and hunt the tops left behind..they would load up with 2 foot of snow, and were excellent habitat....you look for the brown marble..(eye).. .22 cal is what I used with a good scope Those were snowshoe, they turn white in winter..thus all you could see was the eye in the snow tunnel under the brush pile. We seem to have cotton tails coming back with all the corn grown here now..Bobcats are hard on them here..

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