assorted pics from last week


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Start with the smowbanks on my street at home...we have about 4 feet on the fround, and 8 inches coming by tomorrow...and i left yesterday so i don't have to shovel it. lol


For reference my dad is shovelling, and he is over 6 feet tall...too stubborn to buy a snow blower, so he shovels a driveway that can hold 6 half ton trucks...oh and he is 64. I think this winter has convinced him maybe snowblowers aren't so bad.


Out ice fishing one day.


ANother ice fishing spot


wolves were on the lake, there were 5 i should have got a pic of, but in my rush to hop off the snowmoblile and snap a picture i forgot the lens here is their tracks about 2 minutes old. lol


Feeding the deer. That is a 250 cc, single cylinder 1989 yamaha Bravo. THe best bush machine ever! It weighs about 300 pounds, will pull a moose behind it, is manouverable in tight areas, and lighst so if you get stuck you just lift it out easily. Obsolete for open areas, but we keep it for the bush work. I am in the sleigh with the deer food. Due to all the snow we are feeding this winter to try to prevent major mortality.


The deer are getting mean as they start to really struggle to survive. Lots of spots where we could see deer had been fighting at the feeders and biting hair off each other.

And here is a squirrel that seems to be quite happy to live off the deer feed.


I posted a bunch of fishing pictures in the fishing room, check them out.

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