Jiffy is the best!


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We bought a new Jiffy STX 3500 ice drill last year. It worked great.

This year we went to use it for the first time and lo and behold we had a gas leak. The grommett in the tank holding the two gas lines was leaking. I was kind of disappointed but filling the tank only 1/3 full corrected the problem.

I E-Mailed Jiffy Monday AM. I knew the drill was out of warranty but what the heck. I got a response back almost within the hour saying they would warranty the tank.

Tonight ( Thursday ) I got home and there was a UPS package on my front porch. Yup, there was a brand new fuel tank with an invoice marked warranty. No charge for the tank or even the shipping.

That in my opinion is over the top service.

I'd recommend this company 5 stars plus!


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I hit the new post buttong and I thought this was a p---ing match on peanut butter. I'm a Peter Pan guy myself.

After reading the post I think you problem is your gas, not your drill. I've got a buddy who does small engine repare and he says the amount of alcohol that is in gas these days is killing small engines. He suggest finding ethenol free gas to run in all small engines, the smaller the engine the more it affects them and it is especially hard on 2cycle engines. He said to combat this if you can't get ethenol free gas is to put an additive like SEAFOAMhttp://www.seafoamsales.com/ in all your gas. Also at the end of the season run the gas tank bone dry and it will help a lot. He said the ethenol does something to the small plastic parts, the tanks and fuel lines of small engines.

I was replacing fuel lines on my weed eater and lawn mower every year. I've gone 2 years now without needing to replace a single one. I also put a full can of the seafoam in my truck every time I change the oil and have seen improvements in mileage and performance.

Edited by johnf
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When I talked to Jiffy he said the oil packaged for Jiffy ( which is all I ever used ) has the treatment already in it. Our gas here is 10% ethanol.

Being in the auto service industry for nearly all my life believe me I have seen the damages done.

I did indeed drain the tank and run the motor completely out of fuel.

I even fogged it through the air intake while running the tank dry.


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I don't know the exact age of my Jiffy but I'm guessing the thing is over 20 years old. It's built like a tank a does nothing but cut holes. Outside of a few maintenance things never had to worry about it. It would be nice to get one of the new models that weigh much less but I can't see getting rid of it until it dies.

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