an entertaining morning


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went hunting this morning, had 4 does and 2 yearlings come in at 7:45, you could tell one was alot bigger than the rest. well they all were eating corn but the bigger one stayed back some, and i think one of the yearlings was hers, one yearling ran around the food plot like she was a new born colt, dodging and weaving like it was a spring day, almost made me laugh. than all of a sudden the bigger doe walked up the the other does with her ears pined back like she was ticked off. when the other does didnt move she got on her back legs and went to wearing out another doe with her feet, sounder like a boxer hitting a punching bag pop pop pop pop. than the other doe got on her back feet and the fight was on but backed off real quick. the bigger doe walked some distance from the others. and just than that yearling that had been running around walked up to the other yearling with her ears pined back like to say see my mom wooped your mom and im about to woop you, the other yearling ran about 15 yards and just looked back till she moved and than returned to the corn. kinda makes you wonder in the scheem of things if theres a dominit doe, does that make her off spring higher in rank also.

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I have also seen this before. I believe that a dominit doe teaches its offspring by her own actions. Just like a mother teaches a child as they grow. I believe also that the gene pool also comes into play with animal dominance. From what I seen over the coarse of 40 years in the woods and hunting deer, the Offspring of a dominit doe will become the dominit deer in their area at some point in their life! Also if a Doe is killed that has fawns those fawns become cast aways and never become the dominit Doe! I have not realy studied this out but just have observed this to work out that way!! Good Topic Though!! Lets here what the rest think!!!

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