How was deer season for you?


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Every season is great! 4 deer with a bow, 2 bucks, 2 does. I shot a buck and doe the same evening with a bow, never done that before. I did have to fill my KS bow tag with a rifle after season ended. 5 deer total. Saw two good bucks after the 1st in KS, looking forward to getting back up there next year.

Edited by abrown
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A good season in Squamish BC Canada for blacktail. Took a mature buck with the muzzleloader at 60 yrds while still hunting. Passed up lots of young bucks. Seen plenty of does(no season for them) Spent the last two weeks of the season looking for a blacktail that had a huge track compared to the other deer in my honey hole. Hopefully find his sheds.

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