Purchasing raw land with a friend


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I have a unique opportunity to purchase land with a friend in another state. I have known and hunted with him for several years. I do trust my future partner but I believe i need to protect myself legally. What would you put into a contract between two parties when purchasing real estate? Thanks for your opinion.

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Never buy anything with a friend. Get the land split into two parcels and each pay for one, independent of the other. If you go in together, at some point, one of you is not going to like what the other wants to do and you will have a falling out and then trying to come up with a way to buy the other one out will suck. Best thing to do is not do it.

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buying land with a friend is not a bad idea. buying it without a contract is. have an attorney set up an agreement, specifically telling who owns what, and a buyout agreement.

think about this: you and your buddy have a great property, and put lots of sweat and have good times with it. 10 years from now, he gets killed in a car accident and his family wants.... you got the picture. you not only lose a friend, but the battle begins. take care of the future now, to protect you BOTH.

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I would not.

Plain and simple.

You are inviting disaster to a friendship. What happens down the road when one of you decides to build a house on the land? Someone invites a friend to hunt there who the other doesn't care for? One of you decides to move to another state? One of you gets married and the wife has plans you can't all agree on? Etc, etc. ?????

I'd go it alone where you have the final say or run away from the whole transaction.

You may be headed toward your first disagreement just deciding which one of you is going to be the actual buyer.


Edited by LETMGROW
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I'd do it - but it would have to be 2 equal parcels. Both can sell, but has to offer it to the other for a set price first. If something happens to either of you name the other as beneficiary (this can be done legally - a will). Funny thing... how a woman you intend to spend your life with will often try to take as much from you as possible once two letters get placed before the title.

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