buck still ruting


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I just seen a buck chasing a doe here in lancaster pa .i thought all the doe would b bread by now but i guess not.it still had its horns on and look like a pretty heavy set 6 point we where seeing him all last year so its good 2 see him after the season .yesterday i talked to my nieghbor and he said he seen 18 deer out in my parents field and there was 3 rack buck. So i guess we shold b looking forward 2 this fall:)

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Well said William.

I was pretty demoralized yesterday evening when i saw 5 different bucks of which all except one had both sides still on there heads - none of the five were close to mature either.

On another note regarding bucks still rutting, i have video from Halloween of 2010 of a full blown spotted fawn - which is something you never ever see here in IL that late. She had to have been birthed sometime in late August which would have had her conceived in february or march (i think)...this poor thing was absolutely tiny.

So i guess you never really know.


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