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Yup, and so was I. I don't know how school lunches are now at your school but when I went there they were very good. Even then they were balanced and there was a licensed dietician onboard. I admit this was a lot of years ago. Once in a while they would have something ( not often ) I didn't really care for on the special. They offered peanut butter and jelly or tuna fish sandwiches as an alternative.

Someone somewhere thinks they are doing a good turn by prescribing what we should do. Sometimes it is good, other times not so good.

In the case of the youngster involved in the original post, who knows for sure the child doesn't care for nuggets. Maybe they didn't and the parent sent a packed lunch as a substitute. Personally I like turkey and cheese sandwiches and have never been a big fan of nuggets.

As a parent who put three children through school and two through college I can tell you I would be highly offended if a teacher overrode my decision how a child of mine should or could eat.


Edited by LETMGROW
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Personally I like turkey and cheese sandwiches and have never been a big fan of nuggets.

As a parent who put three children through school and two through college I can tell you I would be highly offended if a teacher overrode my decision how a child of mine should or could eat.


Our oldest daughter(same kid that always helps me gut deer and it never bothers her) went to the Tyson plant on a school trip here not too long back, she said she about puked when she saw what went into the chicken nuggets, which are the same nuggets that go to some schools and to McDonalds. The meat, if you wanna call it that, is the leftovers, not sure the school lunch would have been as nutritious as the kids packed lunch.

Really messed up when we have teachers and school programs being cut, yet there are projects like this dictating what our kids can and cannot eat.

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hey, this is not about lunch. it doesn't matter if the school or mom gave this little girl good food. it's about the goverment controlling our kids. they must learn who is boss.

besides, nothing like 3 greasy nuggets (i didn't even know chickens had nuggets) to replace a nice turkey sandwich.

careful, now. big brother is watching....

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There aint no way how is fried chicken any better than any of that much less the charge. I wouldnt pay it to be honest. If i wanted my child to eat the school food than i'd pay for it. But i dont want someone to swap out my food that i personaly brought then charge me for it. this is what our school system is becoming i hope im out of it before it hits down here. Only 3 n 1/2 years left (im only in 9th)

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