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Sorry William...didn't take I haven't tried posting pics from the mobile version. nothing fancy...just plain old vanguard. Gray stock with black rubber inlays on the forearm and grip. Flat black barrel and scope. Still need rings and bases though.

Yes can Got it basically for a bear gun. Got it all free with my bass pro rewards kind!

Other guns needing shot are a Marlin .243...Browning .308...and Bushmaster AR.

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Sounds like a nice gun Gregg, I'd love to make it down to one of the get togethers, not sure if it'd be worth the pain and aggravation getting my rifles across the border though, it's a PITA!

I don't know how it goes coming this way for a Canuck. I couldn't believe how simple it was for me to take a 12 ga. pump into Canada a couple years back on a wilderness fishing vacation. $25 Canadian, a form filled out in triplicate and not much more.

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If I can't the scope mounted up...won't be shooting it. Had an older set of weaver rings/bases for weaterby. Wouldn't I got different bases and rings and still not working. thinking I need the extended back base?

The two piece bases only allow me to mount the rings in one place and they are too far apart. I need at least another 1/4" so the bell of the scope isn't hitting the ring.

Getting frustrating!!!

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