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Anyone have any tips for coyotes? They keep gettin my deer and one chased a big 12 pointer from me as i was stalkin it. Got to 40 yrds and a coyote came out of nowhere.

shoot as many as legally possible. if they come in but are just out of range tighten your lips together and breathe in to make a kissing or squeeking sound. they'll come running right in. when setup face into the wind or quartering down wind from where you think they'll come in. put a lure scent (coyote or its prey) about 20 yards to your right and left.

after you shoot and miss, which will happen, it's not over. with whatever you got, make a sound like a puppy getting it's foot stepped on over and over again. the yote will run out a distance, stop, and then turn broadsided to see what's going on for a brief second.

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The wind and setup is the most important. I also find that morning sets seems more productive for me. Around me area the jake rabbit seems to be the ticket, even if we don't have any. Sit still and watch with your eyes slightly down wind of the caller as most fast run ins come from slight down wind. A decoy like the Mojo Critter is worth the money as I have had to move on yotes that are running in. To stop them just yell WOLF ! and they will stop to look...

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