Forum 2012 Colorado Elk Hunt


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If your camper is a new(er) model then all the mechanicals and brown/grey tanks should be enclosed and above the frame level... ie all the stuff is inside so all you gotta do is keep the camper warm. We set out tstat at 55 and never had a prob in our 24' one we sold. What we did was empty the water tanks completely before leaving civilization. Then we carried drinking water and wash water in separate containers, keeping the water bottles in the bathtub of the camper to minimize freezing, we would keep 6 gallons inside camper then maybe 6 more gallons outside. Theres water available roadside at a creek which you can drink( we did) or up near Platoro town on the right is good spring. Keep the outside water bottles where the sun hits them and they"ll stay mostly thawed. The two things MOST critical down there are of course water, then propane, then gasoline. Running out of propane or gasoline is time consuming and very expensive. Esp the gasoline. We always took our empty water jugs with us in the truck when daily hunting then just stopped wherever to refill on the way back to camp. The only propane and gas is 9 miles west of camp or 6 miles east. Dont try to carry 27 one gal jugs for water or whatever , two people use about 4 gal a day for cooking and flushing and filling our backpack water bottles, 6 gal a day if you wash up some. Make sure your brown and grey water tanks are empty when you leave town to go camp. It wont be so bad over Labor Day when we all go.

Ocober will/can be be different.

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Well, one cousin backed out of this hunt, however, another has replaced him. My cousin who lives in Castle Rock, Coloado has decided to come along with us. He has hunted elk many times before. This will solve the car problem at the airport. We talked and it seems to work out best if we stay at his place Thursday night and then head to camp early so that we can be there by 9 AM on Friday to help set-up. I hope that this is acceptable..... if not please let me know.

good luck to all

the dog

Sounds like a plan... :) I may take our camper down there and park it on the 13th. That way I haul a load of wood in that day too. Then the 19th maybe I can get offa work early and head down there and set up before dark( a rarity for us). Steve B is up in AK working on his cabin so I'm not sure what his plans and timing is yet.

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I have started to collect wood. I am picking more up tonight and tomorrow. Tomorrow if your not busy after 5 Charlie I could use another truck to get the wood he has a bunch. My trailer is brand new but the tanks are not above the frame unfortunately. I am looking into a tank heater and trying to find gas cans on the cheap or free now and I am looking at a water bladder for the truck bed or water cans plus the 41 gal tank for the trailer. I will prob Navy shower every three days and baby wipes in between. I will have a few mods before then as well. I am looking forward to Labor day as well. We just got back from camping down in Pueblo this weekend. I am looking forward to take it out for the first dry camp. Talk to you soon Charlie.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I saw some sign but did not see any herds (It was family Camping). I saw a total of about 6 hunting parties. In our area only 2. The leaves were starting to change so by Oct there should be little to none left. I am going to try and get down there one more time but next two weekends I am concentrating on bow hunting in another area. I have more pictures if you want to see more let me know.

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We had a great time and perfect weather camping with cowboy778 and his family. Wife and I didnt scout much but I did give cowboy some areas to look at. We fished and caught a few nice trout on nymphs which was new luck for us two dry fly fishermen. We also rode the one atv we bought. I found some 4' firewood in the woods behind camp that we could cut up in elk camp.

Cowboy and I are talking about making a wood hauling trip down there some weekend. I'll let it up to him what weekend as we have no plans til Oct 19 and Oct 30. I dont think our camp area will be well used but I'd hate to haul wood then find it gone. It's a great place tho. We camped about 100 yrds from the gps location I listed above and it was a good place with room for more of us realtree guys. I put a few pics on my facebook but havent taken time to try to load them here.

We were going to takethe tentcamper down a week early like on Oct 13, but am gonna mount it up on a ol 16' flatbed trailer so we can haul 2 atv's and the camper together. That'll eliminate hauling it down early. It should be a great 'rig'.

Due to our work schedules we will prob pull in elk camp around 2am on the 20th. :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a note to everyone, it is not to late if you would like to go on this hunt. Looks like we will have plenty of room, you can buy your license up to the day before the hunt. If you ever wanted to hunt elk, this is a great opportunity and it won't ever be cheaper for you than this one will be. Not only will you have a good time in the Rocky Mountains of Southern Colorado, you will get to meet some great people.

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Cowboy, Thank you for the reply on sightings. Somehow I missed your reply on the 5th, had checked several times. I am good on photos, Charlie has allowed me to see his photo albums of his 2010 hunt. How did you do in bow season, as it has ended today. I am a bowhunter of 40 years here in Pa. Good luck to you and the gang in rifle season. I am trying to decide if I can afford this trip and hunt. : )

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when you deliver firewood, maybe put up a sign for camp rt. that way, maybe i'll actually find it. lol. you can get all the free plywood you need from any new home building site. they throw away 4' x 4' sheets all the time. i think charlie has one from last camp.

as for bullets, i like a penetrating slug rather than a quick expantion bullet. elk ribs are tough, and the shoulder is rock solid. i've had poor results with expantion bullets. horandy also makes first class bullets.

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Bow season ended today with no luck. I had an experience that is for sure. This past weekend I saw at least 80 deer and 6 Giants that I would of loved to shoot. 2 of them I was close enough to get with my bow. If I would of been deer hunting I would of seen nothing but elk. That is the way it goes sometimes. I broke my camper a couple of weekends ago. Still not completely fixed but I can get in without stairs for now. LOL I will talk to Charlie and get a sign together for when we deliver wood. Can not wait. I still having some shooting to do and will try and remember not to work out the week before this hunt my shoulders and legs are killing me right now never do shoulders and legs before you go hunting.

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