Beginning bow


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lots of good bows out there now and honestly none make a bad bow. they all can get the job done. some better than others but yea. no such thing as a beginner bow. you buy the best you can afford and stick with it.

how tall are you (what's your draw length)? what's your budget? right or left handed? got a local archery shop people go to? what bows do they sell (and have lots of knowledge about to fix or tune)? lots of things go into a bow purchase.

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begging bow

I'm 18 and just under 6ft. And I'm not sure how much more growing I'm gunna be doing. So adjustability isn't that big of deal to me. ( so I think anyways)

I haven't shot a bow or done any hunting since I was about 10. Been living in Japan for a long while since my dads job. So I don't know much about the newer bows.

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Beginning to hunt with bow

I would take the time know your budget!!!! Then look at third that would fall in to that line of bows. Then know what draw you out a shop that would allow to shoot some that would give you an idea of feel and design that best fit you. Don't be afraid to ask around at different shop and listen to what they all say. You' ll learn what to take in and what to discard. But, read and do your home work at the same time.

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Welcome to the forums.

I'd say get started by visting a Archery pro shop and get properly fitted for the bow. Too many folks get one from a gargage sale or a buddy and they think it fits. Then they develop bad habits in form and shooting.

At 18 I don't think you'll have anymore growing to do height wise, or draw length. So what you purchase should carry you into the next few years or until that Archery bug gets you...bites you and don't let go. Then you will be in the poorhouse like many of us with our $1000 Matthews and Hoyts!

The lesser costing bows work fine and you can kill game all day long with them.

Just get fitted properly for the bow. After that your home free.

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