Hunting or Fishing


Hunting or Fishing  

22 members have voted

  1. 1. Hunting or Fishing

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  ClassicCar94:1293318 said:
I haven't gone hunting yet but I've been fishing many times. I've watched the hunting shows on TV and its a lot more interesting than sitting at the lake for hours on end with no fish biting. So I go with hunting!

Hunting on tv is not the same as hunting for yourself. You only see the best parts of the hours/days/weeks that person spent in the woods trying to harvest an animal.

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Hunting or Fishing

Ive done all sorts of fishing, from back country lost ponds for native trout and bass, Big northerns and lakies through the ice. Giant Tuna & Mako Shark fishing 70 miles offshore. 14lb Fluke and Bluefish & 50lb Stripped Bass off Montauk Point. Grouper and Yellowtail in the Caribbean. All sorts of crab pots/traps chasing blue claw and stone crab. I've only been hunting for about 5 years, mostly Turkey, Grouse and Deer, and I'll take Turkey hunting over all that fishing with the exception of that little un-named north country pond. Gliding effortlessly over the glass calm surface and the commotion made by hooking into a big one is my favorite!

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