Savage 300 or Tikka 300 which would you choose?


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Thanks. I actually already have the Scope I got myself one for X-mas. A Bushnell Trophy XLT with DOA Drop-compensating reticle. I might go up in price and get the Savage with the Acu Trigger and Acu Stock. It all depends on what momma says she usually lets me get the better toys lol... She usually cons me into getting her something too... Last time it was a bow...

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Never shot a tikka, but heard good things about them and considered buying one a few years back. Wife's savage model 10 after I lightened up the trigger is one of ther most accurate rifles we have. Personally the feel of the savage to me is not great though, shoot the gun fine from a rest but just not a fan of the feel of the gun. Guess I would go with whichever felt better when shouldered if it were me, granted you are not buying online or that you get an opportunity to check them out.

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unless you're a pretty big guy, carrying the savage long range hunter up a mountain will kill ya with the weight. for savage i'd go with model 116 bear hunter in 300 win mag.

with the Tikka I'd just go with the T3 Lite don't have many options. they offer a fluted Hunter now, but that won't have a durable synthetic stock. they usually shoot pretty well from what i've heard.

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Hey Cowboy, I just realized where you are. I'm sure I can speak for everyone on here by saying we are proud to have you onboard with us here. Please be safe and thank you for doing what you do.

I'm just outside Watertown ( so. east ) About 10 miles or less from Fort Drum.


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