Food plots


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I dug an old rotary hoe out of the weeds at the farm I hunt. I didn't even know what it was at the time, but it looked like it would do a decent job for small plots. I rigged it up to pull behind the 4 wheeler, and it works fairly well. I have to make several passes, and it works best if there is a little moisture in the ground, but it didn't cost me a thing. My father in law has a 20 gallon sprayer and pull behind spreader that I use. I've been doing plots this way for about 7 or 8 years now.

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I'm in to older Ford Tractors - have 4 of them now though 2 will be for sale this spring.

But if I didn't have these I would look for an old pull behind disc harrow. Hook it up behind a 4x4 PU or jeep, etc. Add some weight to it and it would do enough ground engagement to get some seed to take hold.

Some folks use their 4 wheelers for tillage. But I never thought much of that idea as you can wear them out fairly quickly pulling hard with them in low range.

It really is tough to beat an old tractor though.

You take something like an old Allis Chalmers or Farmall that you can get a decent running tractor for $1200, use it for 10 years and then sell it and get your money back.

Just don't get in to the restoration thing on an old tractor.

Buy like a Allis Chalmers WD-45 for $1500, spend $3500 restoring it and it will be worth $2000 when you are done. Not good.


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