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Hunt or be Hunted

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Hunting season 2010 I had a insane deer come right to my stand trailing the doe I was just about to shoot, till I looked over and seen him at the edge of the bean field coming the same way she did. Typical frame of a 12 point but with kickers and a droptine on the left hand side, atleast 7 inches. He came in about 30 yards and gave me the perfect shoot. I shot him with what I thought was a great shot, little did I know at the time I hit him in the spine and gave him a stinger, which only paralyzed him for a short time. When I shot he rose up on his back legs so high when he landed he landed on his back, like he did a back flip. He got his rack stuck in some vines and couldn't move his entire front end. He flopped for a few mins, then just layed there so I assumed he was just dying (i won't do that again). I called my dad freaking out telling him to get the four wheeler ready to pull out a monster buck and as I look over at my deer, he's walking away like nothing ever happened. I wanted to throw up right then and there! Long story short, we tracked him till dark and all next morning till I had to leave for work and no luck. Never seen him before I shot him or after, dont know where he came from or is hiding still today, but he didnt get big from being stupid. So droptine redemption came from me trying to redeem myself from that experience and man did I learn alot.

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I've been seriously bowhunting for over 40 years and tinkered with a bow when I was a kid in the 60s, so archery has been a big part f my life for quite a while. In the late 80s, the movie TOP GUN came out. My family bought me personalized lisence plates for my truck shortly after that, which read TOP BOW, as I hunt almost exclusively with a bow. When I started going online and visiting hunting websites in the 90s, I needed a handle that had some meaning to me. Not wanting to use the handle Top Bow, I shortened it to TBow and have been using that name for 16 years online. Now that I'm crowding the 60 year mark, I'm glad I picked such a short handle, as trying to remember really long names is starting to become a real chore!


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