What is the meaning of your user name?

Hunt or be Hunted

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The name of my families Adirondack lake camp is called The Bug House, Grandad built the place back in the 50's. He owned a pest control business and would bring employees to work on it, ironically the Black Flies and Mosquitoes were so bad they had to stop working on a few ocassions. So those guys named it. He had some signs with his business logo on it (An angry looking yellow jacket of all things) and it still hangs in a big Red Cedar tree close to the house.

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When I joined QDMA in 2001 I got a video about the organization " Let Them Go, So They Can Grow ". When I bought the first land adjacent to my home my son Marc and I started to work on it and we became a registered USDA farm. Looking for a name, I was watching the video at the same time. I came up with LET which are my initials, M which obviously is Marc's first initial and GROW which when put together is "LETMGROW". The theme we have used for our management plan. This also became our farm name. "LETMGROW Farms"


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US Navy, La Maddelena, Sardinia. 1973

Isolated duty. Living like dogs. Laying in the dirt drinking Carlings Black Label beer HOT right off the shipping pallet.

We were Big, Black, Bad, Long, Super, Tough, Mean and a couple of other Dogs.

I was Ultra. I'm still in touch with a few of those guys - get a call a couple of times a year and we catch up on things.

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