turkey hunting w/ crossbow


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Okay so its my first year hunting with a crossbow, actually its my first year hunting ever. So first up will be spring turkey. I'm having a hard time deciding what to shoot, I've seen how guillotine blades work and how broadheads work but I just can't decide if I want to aim for head or body. Any suggestions or tips?

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Well first off if your going with a large fixed blade broadhead like the guillotine make sure that it won't come into contact with the stirrup or any other part of your crossbow. I know that NAP makes some broadheads specifically for crossbows and if I was looking at body shooting a turkey I would look at the NAP FOC (Freaking Outrageous Cut).

Here are the possibilities as I see them...

Head shot, if you hit it he's dead, if your good L-R and are a little low you cut the spinal cord and he's dead. If you miss or he moves he has a high percentage that he will not be injured.

Body shot - either facing you with placement at the base of the beard, or fanned out facing away with placement up the old oil can. You hit your spot and he's dead, your low or L-R is off by a few inches and he might be injured, your high and you might get the spinal cord and he's dead.

Body Shot broadside - Placement at wingbutts. Hit your mark and he's dead, little high and have the chance to cut the spinal cord and he's dead, little low and have the chance of either still hitting vitals or breaking his wings or hip/legs so he can't walk/fly and he can be finished off.

I've killed many turkeys with a shotgun but only one with a bow... in my instance I did not have a clear shot at the body and decided to shoot for the head, my shot was a little low catching it in the neck between the head and body cutting the spinal cord and killing it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I do not want the guillotine blade messing up my trophy if I want to get it mounted. I do not want to limit y shot to the most narrow part of the bird. I do not want to do all the other efforts to get the guillotine blade to balance on my rig; I am not sure if you will get proper clearance on a core bow with that blade.

I will consider going after my 2nd tom this year with my Crossbow. I will use Magnus Fixed 4 Blade Stinger on my Parker Red Hot bolt. Good luck with your choice!

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