Team 4 checkin in!

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Alright Team, checkin in here...Our opener is April 9th, and i have 3 tags for the southern zone in IL. Looks like we have a pretty stellar line up, and im pumped to be on this team! Im going for at least one on camera bow kill head shot this year, but more importantly, im just looking forward to getting out - we are about a month ahead this year in terms of weather, so my first and second season tags should be hot. Anyone creative enough to come up with a team name?

thank you for participating in my intervention -

My name is Dan, and i have a turkey hunting problem...

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our original team thread got buried. i was the only one that posted though. i'm pumped and season doesn't start until May here. i've been doing some drive by scouting. finally found a flock near my house/land. about 1.5 miles away they were spotted. had six long beards in the group. i didn't watch them too long. could've been others.

heading to my parent's farm in the AM to listen for them and do a little scouting and quick shed hunting. hopefully i come up with some better options. only seeing jakes there though.

longbeards are in full strut, but the flocks haven't broken up yet.

here's some ideas.... Spring Thunder.... Legends of Limbhangers ..... Cut'n Strut.... Fallen Fans

Name's Dan, hunting easterns for the month of May in NY.

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Looks like we have a team of veteran hunters here :).

Glad to be on this team. My name is Anthony if you don't know me already.

My son Joe( Squirrelhunter91) and I will give the turkeys a run for their money come May 1st and make our team proud.

I most likely will be taking off that week of May 1st and my son Joe also should be off that week. So we will have some time to chase birds. For my youngest son Mike, it will be his last year to be eligible to hunt the youth turkey season. So my son Joe and I get to do real time scouting and calling the weekend before our opener. It was quite a mild winter here in Southern NY, and I have been seeing lots of Turkeys on our land and surrounding properties in region 3.

What ever the name of team, is fine with me.

Fan-addicts just popped into my head.

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Well team, i passed on two jake birds yesterday at 10 yds...went out this morning for a few hours and had two long beards in the dec's at about 10-12 yds - couldn't get a shot due to me trying to be a hero and video everything...but they hung around for a little bit, and i was able to fling an arrow at one of em at about 20-25 yds...remember, i was trying to execute a head shot which is my goal for the season, but is also why i completely missed and lost my darn arrow. Im gonna leave the head shot for one of my later tags - i need to get a bird first, then i'll up the anty. if work leaves me alone tomorrow morning, i will get out, if not, i have thursday, friday saturday and sunday...I will keep ya posted!


by the way, i did get my miss on video

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey yall.. I'm headed up to the property tomorrow for the NY Youth Turkey hunt. I'm taking out a friends grandson to try and get him his first bird. I hope we can connect. The weather doesn't look all too promising and it's bittersweet. We need the rain in the worst way but why does it have to rain on the weekend for the Youth Turkey hunt? Will keep yall updated throughout the hunt. Feels great to hit the woods again!

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Some updates....

So this morning I saw the same tom strutting out in the corn field across the road where the pictures above were taken. Not sure if he'll stray over to behind my house.

Also, I've located a couple toms on my parent's farm where I hunt. Hopefully, they stick around the next couple weeks.

On another note, a sweet turkey vest finally arrived at my door yesterday.

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Thats a nice vest Dan. I like the spine pads.

My son Joe and I both have next week off, so that means we will be up in the country hunting our land and others in the 3H WMU in the lower Catskills. I have had the most awesome times in my life afield turkey hunting with Joe. Some real memorable moments with my other sons also. But Joe can call like no one I know and get the birds all fired up. We get the chance to create more of these.

I work at Ground Zero in NYC and I am really looking to forward to calm and relaxation, being in the country brings. Tuesday morning starts our season. Won't be online for about a week. Hoping to post some good pics and stories.


Whats the story with our team name? We can't just be a number.

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Hey team , scored on a nice bird this past weekend up in Wisconsin . It had an 11' beard, 7/8" spurs , and weighed 26 lbs. Seen alot more birds this year compared to last

, I think due to the mild winter. I will be hunting here in Illinois next week, I don't think we can upgrade anyway. Good luck to everyone still hunting .


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went out for the first time yesterday morning. had a couple gobbling their heads off. terrain prevented them from coming in. yesterday evening managed to roost a few hens with no toms in tow. this morning was uneventful in the turkey woods. back at it next weekend i suppose.

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Had a really tough week with the thunderchickens.. Closest I came was on Sunday.. Had 2 toms and a jake at 75 yards but they wouldn't commit. They hung up for a half hour and strutted a line back and forth. I missed a tom yesterday with my bow. Arrow deflected off an unforeseen twig. Will be back after em Wednesday and Thursday.

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My son Joe and I didn't connect, but we had a heck of a time together. I am feeling each and every one of my 47 years as I try to keep up with Joe as he climbs those mountains like a goat :). be young again. The rain kept the birds real quiet and the colder weather didnt make them hot to gobble at all. We have birds around us, but they are not cooperating. We did get a few pics of a sow with 2 cubs on our trail cam. Will be back up this weekend to give it another shot.

Good Luck Team...hunt safe.

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