Tilt Assist Piston


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Since there is no marine section here, I put this in the lounge. Since boating is not just fishing. ;)

I have a 40HP Johnson outboard on my Tracker TX-17. The tilt assist piston went bad. I had this boat for 20 years, and normally they last 8-10 years. The problem is that they cost $550-$576. Anybody ever repair one?

After doing many internet searches, and finding they not repairable. I wanted to try here if someone had success on a repair. I wanted to also know if anybody has the CMC power trim and tilt on their boat. This system costs about the same as the tilt assist piston! Which would make more sense to install the PT&T system.

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Guess the best room might be the vehicle room John. Been a long time since I have been around boats, but we had a few with power tilt and trim(those were all larger motors though 135 hp and up), if it were me and it cost the same I would not see any sense in going with the assist over the power tilt and trim.

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