What's your oldest call.............


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Re: What\'s your oldest call.............

It's a Lynch's World Champion, Birmingham, AL boxcall. It's a "collector". I've never hunted it.

The longest standing "user" call...........one I always have in my vest...........is a Hally Caller Deluxe boxcall. I believe I got it in 1990. I have no clue how many toms it's seen die. It's share.

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Re: What\'s your oldest call.............

I still have an old Lynch Jet slate call from the 70's. I retired it when I saw and bought the 1st round pot slate call I saw. The oldest call I have that I still use on occasion is a Lynch Deluxe Fool Proof 1982 Series Box Call. I think they quit making the deluxe series calls about 20 years ago. It's a rare occasion for me to use a box call anymore except for hunting Merriam turkeys. I've only made 2 Merriam turkey hunts and that box call accounted for the 3 Merriam turkeys I've killed. All in all I've probably killed about 5 or 6 birds with that call. Sorry I've never kept up with the numbers.

I used to be real bad about buying new calls every year and switching and swaping back and forth between them. I wish I still had the frames of some of the old Primos diaphram calls I had. When he used to make them out of his house he would write on each call the amount he stretched the membrane. Those would definately be collectors items today.

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Re: What\'s your oldest call.............

My Penns Woods "lucky clucker".......I have had it for over 10 years, and it has been sent to three or four different states, for new hunters to harvest birds, and it has always come home......great people in this world, once you find them...keep in contact...al

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