Sick of hearing about Trayvon Martin


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Anybody else? So some freakin idiot shot a black kid? Terrible situation, but crap how many whites were killed by blacks in the last few days nationwide? Then his classmates are protesting and end up all mobbing and robbing the walgreens...... there's a fine way to pay tribute to a fallen classmate and bring attention to your cause.

We even have marches here in Jackson MS in the last few days, glad there wasn't a Walgreens close by.

I also love to hear the buzzwords the commentators use on the news circuit... e.g. "we need to have a conversation with the black community"

Give me a break.

My rant for 3/29/12 :D

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And while I'm on it, I get tired of folks deciding the race of others. Obama is a democrat and half white, therefore he's African-American. The Zimmerman guy that shot Trayvon is half Latin American, therefore he's white. If this same guy is having issues with his democratic absentee ballot this fall, he will be reverted back to minority status. :clown:

Edited by redkneck
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Yep John, it is getting old and is probably not going away any time soon. I can understand and appreciate the family wanting asnwers, shame how some exploit it. It really is disgusting how the death of a youth in an unfortunate situation can feed the hatred of the likes of Sharpton and Jackson and their followers. Think all those clowns are doing is generating more potential for violence and further racial tensions in this country with the message they send. Heard that there is now supposedly a bounty on Zimmerman's head, don't guess they think he should get a trial. There are supposedly death threats being made against the man, and a lot of other crap with people around this. Think those who are presuming him guilty are no better than how they see Zimmerman in his actions. Reverends Jackson and Sharpton preach hypocrisy.

Martin Luther King Jr's niece(Alveda King) put her 2 cents in about the hate mongering that is taking place around this, fox news aired an interview with her this morning. Think Mrs King put it as best as it could be put when she said something to the effect that especially here now around Easter when we know that Jesus died a violent death so long ago, he sought no violence.

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Dont forget that in a speach Obama said if he had a son he would look like Trayvon.

Im sick of it too. They are also having marches here in Tulsa.... Get real people. I read a comment yesterday where someone asked how often people wore camo to remember fallen soldiers killed protecting our way of life and country.

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Can you say Rodney King all over again if nothing happens to Zimmerman? Except this time on a much larger front I'm afraid. Has anyone seen the fight at the girls youth soccer game? Although noone ended up dead, where is the outrage here? Oh wait, it was a white girl that got thrown down and had the crap beat out of by an "african american" female, so I guess that is ok. What about the 85% black on black crime? How come we never hear much about that? I'm just so sick of all this "racism" BS. And since when is putting a bounty on someone LEGAL??????? Oh I could go on more, but I have work to do so that the Dems can support those on welfare

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You really have to wonder what that kid did to provoke him to shoot dont you??

Of course we only know what we have been given from the media, but from what has been reported the man may have ended up with a broken nose and supposedly the gun may have gone off accidentally in the scuffle/fight.

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And now NBC is apologizing for "editing" the 911 call that they showed on TV. Almost sounds as if they were trying their best to stir up the natives. IMO they should be cited and fined for incite a riot

NBC News Apologizes for Doctoring 911 Call From George Zimmerman, MSNBC Contributor Toure Apologizes for ‘Meltdown’ in Segment on Trayvon Martin Shooting on Piers Morgan | Video |

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