Mature deer wuestion


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I know where the big boys stay, the problem is it is the thickest stuff you've ever seen an they have numerous different trails to get from A to B! The property is 80 acres with 60 or so grass. The thick woods they stay in is about 100 yard wide and 500 yards long. I thought about cutting a 3' wide trail right through the center wih a small 20'x20 food plot nearby my stands.

My question is will this push the big boys out, it will the stay in there and utilize my trails?

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So about 10 or so acres? That would be a nice sanctuary area.

Think whether it would push them out or not probably depends on other cover in the area and on how much you pressure it. You booger them out more than a few times and if there is plenty of other cover off your property, they may decide to move on and avoid your property. Deer will use trails you make though.

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The deer will use the trail you provide, but I would not recommend hunting in that area. If it's only a 10 acre thick parcel I would do what WTN said and leave it as a sanctuary. If mature deer are using that area it's only a matter of time before you get a daylight sighting of one. Pushing into where a buck feels safe is the easiest way to remove him from your property other than the back of your truck!

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Having a relatively small piece of property (80 acres) that is known to hold big bucks is a most fortunate thing to have. I would not do anything to screw that up. Those big bucks are there because there is something there they like. Start cutting trails and the big boys might decide to leave. My advice is to stay out! If you know they are there then don't even scout it. Just wait for the rut and grunt/rattle them to you. Decoys can be useful as well.

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Mature deer wuestion

The problem I have is it is not my land and other guys hunt it as well. These other guys will shoot anything that moves and not tag them in. The big boys get pressure from October which we have a for only season on. I went to hunt one day and found an old fart in his truck overlooking the it in front of my ladder stand. He was passed out drunk, do I backed out and went to sit in my blind. There I found an old man sitting right next to my blind smoking and drinking beer.

So much for all the time I out in at my food plot and trying to be sent free. I only keep hunting it because there are 3 or 4 real nice bucks still in there

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Be careful not to mistake finding sheds AFTER season and occassional trail camera pics as holding those deer during season. The odds of a mature deer staying on a property with that much hunting pressure and that little cover is like hitting the powerball literally. I don't mean to discourage you, but mature just do not tolerate that kind of pressure.

The deer that I consider myself to be holding are showing up on my cameras and sightings while hunting multiple times per week thoughout the entire season.

For example I just found two sheds this weekend of two separate 10's that I got summer pictures of several times a week. During the season they stayed somewhere else but returned occassionally to cruise through and then they returned after the season to stay and drop their sheds.

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Mature deer wuestion


This might help. There are more than 10 acres on the property in woods, I just typically see the big ones just below the pin. It is the thickest here as have pics throughout the hunting season of them. I guess I will not cut in a trail, and will try and get a shot at the big boys early in the bow season when I'm the only one hunting.

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if there is big deer there then you don't really need to change much and shouldn't. chances are there's not that much of a chance the big bucks are always there with that much pressure. they're probably just passing through. that or maybe they're just nocturnal. cam pics at dark? on the other hand, from what it sounds like the hunters are very predictable and easy to avoid for a smart buck. if one of them drunks blows up your spot don't worry. the deer may work around them. find a good trail with cover that's at least 75 yards down wind from them and hunt it. i'd wear hunter orange and stuff though. it's called a set-back stand.

also, it makes sense that they'd be there. looking at it the access from the road is upwind from where they're thought to be with prevailing winds. also, it's small enough that noise would carry. they hear and smell you as soon as you get there. they've got two routes headed south to escape depending on where you bump them.

don't worry about the hunters smoking and everything else. you stick to being scent free and undetected. hunt trails down wind from the hunters that you think the deer would use. also, hunt the escape routes that deer would take to get away from the boozed up "hunters". hunt the land for what it is, pressured land, not like it's remote wilderness and the deer don't know who people are and what they do.

in the mean time search for other places to hunt, in addition to what you've got. at the drop of a hat you could be the only one there, because they all got DWI's and can't get there anymore. wear hunter orange and try to avoid getting shot. finally, kill a ghost of a buck with a giant rack.

hope the insight helps you make decisions. we aren't there and can't tell you an exact plan.

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Mature deer wuestion

That helps! I think you are right about them. I think they sit tight in the thick stuff that nobody goes in and watches the show from the drunks. I would if I were them! I think my best chance is early season like opening day. I put minerals down every year and they hit it hard. I thought about moving the minerals by my stand in thick cover.

Also most pics were at night, but some were in the day. These are big deer for my area, not necessarily yours, but they are the best on the property and would be a true trophy to me.

I'll get pics of them on here.

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If you have that many alcoholics on that property you better be careful. What you described would force me to do one of two things. Probably the best idea - leave. No deer is worth getting shot. If you have no where else to hunt then plan to hunt it early season and on days when the alcoholics are not there. The additional information you provide only adds to my advice of NOT cutting any trails. If there are big bucks there it's because the alcoholics don't know it and have not been in the area due to a lack of trails. Start cutting trails and pretty soon it will be lined with beer cans. I know decoys can work early season - just let it sit outside for a few weeks and handle it with rubber gloves. I would not bother with a food plot since you have no control of the property. Why do all the work and then some moron gets to reap the rewards. Be careful out there!

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Mature deer wuestion

I honestly almost called the cops last year. I'm not much for getting ppl in trouble, but these guys did have to drive home and that is not safe. If I see them out there in that condition again the cops may get an anonymous tip to watch for them when they leave.

Early season it is. Now what about moving the deer cane by my stand in this thick stuff? My early season pics are all over the deer cane. They love the stuff! Just not sure if I should move it or not. It has been in the same spot for two years, problem is that spot has been found by the other guys.

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I honestly almost called the cops last year. I'm not much for getting ppl in trouble, but these guys did have to drive home and that is not safe. If I see them out there in that condition again the cops may get an anonymous tip to watch for them when they leave.

Early season it is. Now what about moving the deer cane by my stand in this thick stuff? My early season pics are all over the deer cane. They love the stuff! Just not sure if I should move it or not. It has been in the same spot for two years, problem is that spot has been found by the other guys.

Yep, call the cops next time they are in there and you know they are drunk. Not cool, a drunk could kill you or a family member or an innocent kid, happens way too often.

On the deer cane, would just leave the one site without replenishing it and open a new site. Deer will still use the old site some, but once you have a new site established nearby the activity at the old site should taper off some. Maybe the drunks won't find your new site. Good luck on the early season hunting.

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Mature deer wuestion

Thanks for all the advise. I'm not new to hunting, but never had anyone who knew what they were doing teach me as I was growing up. It's all trial and error, heavy on the error, as I go! I got into bow hunting about 3 years ago and it consumes most of my time when not working now.

I'm either practicing with my bow, checking or setting trail cams, she'd hunting or hunting from Sept 15- Jan 15. The advice is greatly appreciated. It's nice to bounce ideas off a couple avid hunters.

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