KY Hunters: Crossbows OK'd for Deer/Turkey


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KDFWR voted and passed the new crossbow season. No more 10 day seasons fellas. Crossbow season for KY will be open during the regular 4 1/2 month archery season (Sept-Jan.)!!!


Crossbows OK'd to hunt deer, turkey

FRANKFORT - At Friday's quarterly meeting of the Kentucky Fish and Wildlife Commission, crossbows were approved for use during the fall deer and wild turkey archery seasons, and creel limits were reduced on several fish species, beginning in March 2006.

Here are some highlights:

Deer season dates and bag limits for Kentucky's 2005-06 white-tailed deer season were adopted virtually unchanged from last season. The only significant revision was that crossbows can now be used by archers during the 41/2-month fall wild turkey and deer seasons, which begin in early September.


"We're constantly trying to find ways to increase opportunities for hunters," said Jon Gassett, director of wildlife for the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources. "Hunting with crossbows won't impact deer or wild turkey populations, and there won't be a big jump in the archery harvest."

The crossbow regulation was opposed by the United Bow Hunters of Kentucky, a statewide archery club with about 400 members, who argued that crossbows, which have stocks and triggers like firearms, don't fit the definition of archery equipment under the current regulations.

Last season, during a 136-day archery season, Kentucky's estimated 90,000 bow hunters bagged 14,135 deer, or just 11.3 percent of the reported statewide harvest.

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