garden planted


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garden planted

Where are the tomatoes and cucumbers? Strawberries? Watermelon? Squash? Okra? This is our second year attempt at gardening. Last years heat did not help us at all. Cooke the tomatoes on the vine.

Great start on the garden! Hopefully the hard work pays off for you.

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Depends on what you like. Limited space could mean a lot of things. If you like Tomato put in a couple of plants but keep in mind that a single tomato plant will literally take up a 5' space if the plant does well. Squash and zucchini is another plant that take up a large amount of space. Cucumbers vine and cover a large area, its easier to get them off the ground and let them grow vertical. If you’re not planting many go buy a cheap cattle panel at a farm supply and let the vines use the panel.

If you are truly limited you can always plant thing like tomato in a 5-gallon bucket. Poke some holes in the bottom so it will drain and fill with a dirt mixture, plant the plants and let them go. This allows you to move the plants as required which is also nice. In my experience it does cut production slightly but you can always add another plant to another bucket to make up for any loss in production.

Some plants like spaghetti squash or butternut require a LOT of room as they crawl across the ground. You may avoid those if you have limited space.

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A little to early for us folks up this way to be planting yet(-5 right now). Around here we traditionally start planting our gardens mid May. My chives are doing quite well though. As for those with limited "Verticle Gardening". They have some good ideas there.

Don`t forget to post pics before, during, and end results. Always nice to see. Good luck to all.


Edited by rbduck
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Well, I`m getting closer. Had a guy come in to rototill my garden(20ft by 30ft). He charged me $35.00 and took about fifteen minutes. Now to rake and plan out the garden. I do have chives up and even my strawberries are growing well although it seems a little early for them as we will probably get more frost. Plum and apple trees blooming along with gooseberries and red currants.


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Yep still too early for us! One thing I'm gonna miss about being at home is having my tomato garden. Not sure if my parents are going to put some plants in this year or not. Usually don't plant them til late may or early June. Not uncommon for us to have frosts in late May up here. Yesterday it was 80 degrees and right now it's 32 going down to 25 for a low tonight.

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