Yeah, I know...


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It's been forever since I showed my mug around here and a lot of you never met or don't remember me, but I have a long history here and a lot of you do remember me. According to my profile it has been over 3 years since my last post, so I Guess there is a lot of catching up to be done.

I suppose the biggest news is I met the greatest girl in the world and we are getting married on May 4. I honestly have no idea what she sees in me, but I'm glad she sees it.


If you remember, I had gotten really burnt out on hunting, so I hung up my bow for a while. Well, today I pulled it back out and shot for the first time in probably 5 years, with the expected rust. It didn't take too long until I was getting back in the groove.

Well, there is a lot more and I'll get to all that in time. Don't want to say everything right now. Just know that I am alive and doing very well.

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It's been forever since I showed my mug around here and a lot of you never met or don't remember me, but I have a long history here and a lot of you do remember me. According to my profile it has been over 3 years since my last post, so I Guess there is a lot of catching up to be done.

Best as I can remember you were giving up driving a truck and seems like getting into tech or going back to school or something? Sounds like things have worked out well for you Steven, hope you are able to hang around and share some stories with us.

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